AWS Big Data Blog
Category: AWS Data Exchange
Use AWS Data Exchange to seamlessly share Apache Hudi datasets
Apache Hudi was originally developed by Uber in 2016 to bring to life a transactional data lake that could quickly and reliably absorb updates to support the massive growth of the company’s ride-sharing platform. Apache Hudi is now widely used to build very large-scale data lakes by many across the industry. Today, Hudi is the […]
Power analytics as a service capabilities using Amazon Redshift
Analytics as a service (AaaS) is a business model that uses the cloud to deliver analytic capabilities on a subscription basis. This model provides organizations with a cost-effective, scalable, and flexible solution for building analytics. The AaaS model accelerates data-driven decision-making through advanced analytics, enabling organizations to swiftly adapt to changing market trends and make […]
Enrich your customer data with geospatial insights using Amazon Redshift, AWS Data Exchange, and Amazon QuickSight
It always pays to know more about your customers, and AWS Data Exchange makes it straightforward to use publicly available census data to enrich your customer dataset. The United States Census Bureau conducts the US census every 10 years and gathers household survey data. This data is anonymized, aggregated, and made available for public use. […]
Patterns for enterprise data sharing at scale
Data sharing is becoming an important element of an enterprise data strategy. AWS services like AWS Data Exchange provide an avenue for companies to share or monetize their value-added data with other companies. Some organizations would like to have a data sharing platform where they can establish a collaborative and strategic approach to exchange data […]
Run a popular benchmark on Amazon Redshift Serverless easily with AWS Data Exchange
Amazon Redshift is a fast, easy, secure, and economical cloud data warehousing service designed for analytics. AWS announced Amazon Redshift Serverless general availability in July 2022, providing an easier experience to operate Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift Serverless makes it simple to run and scale analytics without having to manage your data warehouse infrastructure. Amazon Redshift […]
Share and publish your Snowflake data to AWS Data Exchange using Amazon Redshift data sharing
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Today, tens of thousands of AWS customers—from Fortune 500 companies, startups, and everything in between—use Amazon Redshift to run mission-critical business intelligence (BI) dashboards, […]
Accelerate machine learning with AWS Data Exchange and Amazon Redshift ML
July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy and updated. Amazon Redshift ML makes it easy for SQL users to create, train, and deploy ML models using familiar SQL commands. Redshift ML allows you to use your data in Amazon Redshift with Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed ML service, without requiring you to become an […]
Managing COVID-19 exposure with crowd tracing
This is a guest blog post by AWS partner Aspire Ventures As we enter winter, with fewer options to be outdoors, our personal choices can impact our risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus even more. The New England Journal of Medicine publication showed real-world examples of the effectiveness of masks and social distancing in mitigating […]
Query, visualize, and forecast TruFactor web session intelligence with AWS Data Exchange
This post showcases TruFactor Intelligence-as-a-Service data on AWS Data Exchange. TruFactor’s anonymization platform and proprietary AI ingests, filters, and transforms more than 85 billion high-quality raw signals daily from wireless carriers, OEMs, and mobile apps into a unified phygital consumer graph across physical and digital dimensions. TruFactor intelligence is application-ready for use within any AWS analytics or ML service to power your models and applications running on AWS, with no additional processing required.
A public data lake for analysis of COVID-19 data
April 2024: This post was reviewed for accuracy. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten and take lives around the world, we must work together across organizations and scientific disciplines to fight this disease. Innumerable healthcare workers, medical researchers, scientists, and public health officials are already on the front lines caring for patients, searching for […]