AWS Big Data Blog

Category: *Post Types

How Amazon optimized its high-volume financial reconciliation process with Amazon EMR for higher scalability and performance

Account reconciliation is an important step to ensure the completeness and accuracy of financial statements. Specifically, companies must reconcile balance sheet accounts that could contain significant or material misstatements. Accountants go through each account in the general ledger of accounts and verify that the balance listed is complete and accurate. When discrepancies are found, accountants […]

Improve healthcare services through patient 360: A zero-ETL approach to enable near real-time data analytics

Healthcare providers have an opportunity to improve the patient experience by collecting and analyzing broader and more diverse datasets. This includes patient medical history, allergies, immunizations, family disease history, and individuals’ lifestyle data such as workout habits. Having access to those datasets and forming a 360-degree view of patients allows healthcare providers such as claim […]

Create an end-to-end data strategy for Customer 360 on AWS

Customer 360 (C360) provides a complete and unified view of a customer’s interactions and behavior across all touchpoints and channels. This view is used to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, which can inform data-driven decisions to improve business outcomes. For example, you can use C360 to segment and create marketing campaigns that are […]

Introducing enhanced functionality for worker configuration management in Amazon MSK Connect

Amazon MSK Connect is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka Connect. With a few clicks, MSK Connect allows you to deploy connectors that move data between Apache Kafka and external systems. MSK Connect now supports the ability to delete MSK Connect worker configurations, tag resources, and manage worker configurations and custom plugins using AWS […]

Run Trino queries 2.7 times faster with Amazon EMR 6.15.0

In this blog, we compare Amazon EMR 6.15.0 with open source Trino 426 and show that TPC-DS queries ran up to 2.7 times faster on Amazon EMR 6.15.0 Trino 426 compared to open source Trino 426. Later, we explain a few of the AWS-developed performance optimizations that contribute to these results.

AWS architecture diagram showcasing example zero-ETL architecture

Unlock insights on Amazon RDS for MySQL data with zero-ETL integration to Amazon Redshift

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift was announced in preview at AWS re:Invent 2023 for Amazon RDS for MySQL version 8.0.28 or higher. In this post, we provide step-by-step guidance on how to get started with near real-time operational analytics using this feature. This post is a continuation […]

Announcing data filtering for Amazon Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift

AWS is now announcing data filtering on zero-ETL integrations, enabling you to bring in selective data from the database instance on zero-ETL integrations between Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon Redshift. This feature allows you to select individual databases and tables to be replicated to your Redshift data warehouse for analytics use cases. In this post, we provide an overview of use cases where you can use this feature, and provide step-by-step guidance on how to get started with near real time operational analytics using this feature.

Amazon KDS-Lambda cross acct solution architecture

Invoke AWS Lambda functions from cross-account Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

A multi-account architecture on AWS is essential for enhancing security, compliance, and resource management by isolating workloads, enabling granular cost allocation, and facilitating collaboration across distinct environments. It also mitigates risks, improves scalability, and allows for advanced networking configurations. In a streaming architecture, you may have event producers, stream storage, and event consumers in a […]

High level architecture

Scale AWS Glue jobs by optimizing IP address consumption and expanding network capacity using a private NAT gateway

As businesses expand, the demand for IP addresses within the corporate network often exceeds the supply. An organization’s network is often designed with some anticipation of future requirements, but as enterprises evolve, their information technology (IT) needs surpass the previously designed network. Companies may find themselves challenged to manage the limited pool of IP addresses. […]

Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink now supports Apache Flink version 1.18

Apache Flink is an open source distributed processing engine, offering powerful programming interfaces for both stream and batch processing, with first-class support for stateful processing and event time semantics. Apache Flink supports multiple programming languages, Java, Python, Scala, SQL, and multiple APIs with different level of abstraction, which can be used interchangeably in the same […]