AWS for Industries

Category: Amazon Machine Learning

Future of Retail: AWS Smart Store Kiosks Redefine Customer Experience

Retailers are always seeking new ways to enhance the customer experience and reduce friction during the shopping process. Generative AI has enabled innovations like a smart kiosk, a self-service platform that provides customers with a convenient and interactive way to shop. It enables customers to browse, purchase, and even receive personalized recommendations, all without the […]

Is Generative AI the Answer to All Questions?

Is Generative AI the Answer to All Questions?

A common refrain for retailers is, “I know generative AI [artificial intelligence] is going to impact our industry, but I’m not sure where to place my bets.” It’s clear the technology has far-ranging capabilities and potential, but where should retailers invest? Of course, the answer will vary for each retailer as each situation is unique, […]

Pfizer boosts bioreactor efficiency with AWS industrial edge services

Pfizer, one of the world’s premier biopharmaceutical companies, uses machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for near-real-time monitoring of mammalian cell culture bioreactors to boost batch yield and reduce the risk of contamination. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), the company developed Manufacturing Intelligence Edge (MI Edge), a platform that uses AI and ML for […]

Secure Your Genomic Workflows and Data with AWS HealthOmics

AWS HealthOmics is a HIPAA-eligible AWS service and provides fully-managed compute that helps customers process genomic, proteomic, and other varieties of -omic data securely and at scale in AWS. It supports common workflow definition languages—including WDL, Nextflow, and CWL—and secure access to data stored in Amazon S3 and AWS HealthOmics Storage. In this blog post, we cover […]

Survey: Adoption, Barriers, and the Future of Generative AI in the Telco Industry thumbnail

Survey: Adoption, Barriers, and the Future of Generative AI in the Telco Industry

Half of surveyed telcos plan to integrate generative AI in the next two years and expect to increase spending by as much as six times. It’s no illusion: generative AI is everywhere. And here at AWS, we believe it’ll have a profound impact across all industries. Generative AI is the next wave of widespread adoption […]

Future-proof Your AI at the Edge with AWS

In the rapidly evolving field of IoT in manufacturing and transportation domains, machine learning features create significant value. By utilizing machine learning at the edge, manufacturers can gather insights faster, identify trends, identify patterns, and detect anomalies, all resulting in enhanced security and safety and cost savings. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that […]

Generative AI The Catalyst for Revolutionizing Physical Retail feature card

Generative AI: The Catalyst for Revolutionizing Physical Retail

In an era dominated by ecommerce and digital shopping trends, the traditional brick-and-mortar retail store stands at a crossroads. The rise of online shopping has redefined consumer expectations, prompting retailers to seek innovative strategies to revitalize in-store experiences. Amid this landscape, generative artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a groundbreaking technology with the potential to reinvigorate […]

Amazon HealthLake ChatBot image

Interact Conversationally with AWS HealthLake

Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, and AWS HealthLake is no exception. HealthLake is a secure, HIPAA-eligible data lake that allows healthcare organizations to store, transform, and analyze their health data at scale. By combining HealthLake with an LLM, healthcare providers can interact conversationally with their data, gaining insights and making decisions […]

How AWS HealthImaging works: medical image data is created by imaging modalities (e.g. CT scanners, and X-ray), it is temporarily copied to Amazon S3, and then imported to HealthImaging. From there, it can be used by diagnostic viewers and clinical applications (e.g. cloud PACS), for collaboration, and to build, train, and deploy AI/ML.

Introducing AWS HealthImaging — purpose-built for medical imaging at scale

We are excited to announce the general availability of AWS HealthImaging, a purpose-built service that helps builders develop cloud-native applications that store, analyze, and share medical imaging data at petabyte-scale. HealthImaging ingests data in the DICOM P10 format. It provides APIs for low-latency retrieval, and purpose-built storage. Our healthcare customers tell us they want their […]

SMART on FHIR authentication flow with HealthLake

Enhanced interoperability with SMART on FHIR support in Amazon HealthLake

Introduction From its launch in July 2021, Amazon HealthLake has provided secure access through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). AWS recently launched new FHIR API capabilities on Amazon HealthLake including support for SMART on FHIR 1.0.0. With the support for SMART on FHIR, HealthLake now offers authorization based on the SMART framework using FHIR scopes […]