AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Rekognition

Accelerating the deployment of PPE detection solution to comply with safety guidelines

Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face covers (face mask), hand covers (gloves), and head covers (helmet) are essential for many businesses. For example, helmets are required at construction sites for employee safety, and gloves and face masks are required in the restaurant industry for hygienic operations. In the current COVID-19 pandemic environment, PPE compliance […]

In this post, we implement the area in red of the following architecture.

Performing anomaly detection on industrial equipment using audio signals

Industrial companies have been collecting a massive amount of time-series data about operating processes, manufacturing production lines, and industrial equipment. You might store years of data in historian systems or in your factory information system at large. Whether you’re looking to prevent equipment breakdown that would stop a production line, avoid catastrophic failures in a […]

Saving time with personalized videos using AWS machine learning

CLIPr aspires to help save 1 billion hours of people’s time. We organize video into a first-class, searchable data source that unlocks the content most relevant to your interests using AWS machine learning (ML) services. CLIPr simplifies the extraction of information in videos, saving you hours by eliminating the need to skim through them manually […]

We can improve the accuracy by retraining the model with more video files.

Building your own brand detection and visibility using Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth and Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels – Part 1: End-to-end solution

According to Gartner, 58% of marketing leaders believe brand is a critical driver of buyer behavior for prospects, and 65% believe it’s a critical driver of buyer behavior for existing customers. Companies spend huge amounts of money on advertisement to raise brand visibility and awareness. In fact, as per Gartner, CMO spends over 21% of […]

Artificial intelligence and machine learning continues at AWS re:Invent

A fresh new year is here, and we wish you all a wonderful 2021. We signed off last year at AWS re:Invent on the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) track with the first ever machine learning keynote and over 50 AI/ML focused technical sessions covering industries, use cases, applications, and more. You can […]

This month in AWS Machine Learning: October edition

Every day there is something new going on in the world of AWS Machine Learning—from launches to new to use cases to interactive trainings. We’re packaging some of the not-to-miss information from the ML Blog and beyond for easy perusing each month. Check back at the end of each month for the latest roundup. Launches […]

Arcanum makes Hungarian heritage accessible with Amazon Rekognition

Arcanum specializes in digitizing Hungarian language content, including newspapers, books, maps, and art. With over 30 years of experience, Arcanum serves more than 30,000 global subscribers with access to Hungarian culture, history, and heritage. Amazon Rekognition Solutions Architects worked with Arcanum to add highly scalable image analysis to Arcanum Digitheca, a free service provided by […]

Automatically detecting personal protective equipment on persons in images using Amazon Rekognition

Workplace safety hazards can exist in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise, and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. Safety regulators such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and European Commission often require that businesses protect their employees and customers from hazards that can cause injury by providing […]

Detecting playful animal behavior in videos using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels

Historically, humans have observed animal behaviors and applied them for different purposes. For example, behavioral observation is important in animal ecology, such as how often the behaviors are, when the behaviors occur, or whether there is individual difference or not. However, identifying and monitoring these behaviors and movements can be hard and can take a […]

Processing auto insurance claims at scale using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Computer vision uses machine learning (ML) to build applications that process images or videos. With Amazon Rekognition, you can use pre-trained computer vision models to identify objects, people, text, activities, or inappropriate content. Our customers have use cases that span every industry, including media, finance, manufacturing, sports, and technology. Some of these use cases require […]