AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Analyze security findings faster with no-code data preparation using generative AI and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Data is the foundation to capturing the maximum value from AI technology and solving business problems quickly. To unlock the potential of generative AI technologies, however, there’s a key prerequisite: your data needs to be appropriately prepared. In this post, we describe how use generative AI to update and scale your data pipeline using Amazon […]

Getting started with Amazon Titan Text Embeddings in Amazon Bedrock

Embeddings play a key role in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). Text embedding refers to the process of transforming text into numerical representations that reside in a high-dimensional vector space. This technique is achieved through the use of ML algorithms that enable the understanding of the meaning and context of data (semantic […]

Build a movie chatbot for TV/OTT platforms using Retrieval Augmented Generation in Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we show you how to securely create a movie chatbot by implementing RAG with your own data using Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. We use the IMDb and Box Office Mojo dataset to simulate a catalog for media and entertainment customers and showcase how you can build your own RAG solution in just a couple of steps.

How Mendix is transforming customer experiences with generative AI and Amazon Bedrock

This post was co-written with Ricardo Perdigao, Solution Architecture Manager at Mendix, a Siemens business. Mendix, a Siemens business, offers the low-code platform with the vision and execution designed for today’s complex software development challenges. Since 2005, we’ve helped thousands of organizations worldwide reimagine how they develop applications with our platform’s cutting-edge capabilities. Mendix allows […]

Train and host a computer vision model for tampering detection on Amazon SageMaker: Part 2

In the first part of this three-part series, we presented a solution that demonstrates how you can automate detecting document tampering and fraud at scale using AWS AI and machine learning (ML) services for a mortgage underwriting use case. In this post, we present an approach to develop a deep learning-based computer vision model to […]

Talk to your slide deck using multimodal foundation models hosted on Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker – Part 1

With the advent of generative AI, today’s foundation models (FMs), such as the large language models (LLMs) Claude 2 and Llama 2, can perform a range of generative tasks such as question answering, summarization, and content creation on text data. However, real-world data exists in multiple modalities, such as text, images, video, and audio. Take […]

Benchmark and optimize endpoint deployment in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart 

When deploying a large language model (LLM), machine learning (ML) practitioners typically care about two measurements for model serving performance: latency, defined by the time it takes to generate a single token, and throughput, defined by the number of tokens generated per second. Although a single request to the deployed endpoint would exhibit a throughput […]

Architect defense-in-depth security for generative AI applications using the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs

This post provides three guided steps to architect risk management strategies while developing generative AI applications using LLMs. We first delve into the vulnerabilities, threats, and risks that arise from the implementation, deployment, and use of LLM solutions, and provide guidance on how to start innovating with security in mind. We then discuss how building on a secure foundation is essential for generative AI. Lastly, we connect these together with an example LLM workload to describe an approach towards architecting with defense-in-depth security across trust boundaries.

Deploy a Microsoft Teams gateway for Amazon Q Business

In this post, we show you how to bring Amazon Q Business to users in Microsoft Teams. (If you use Slack, refer to Deploy a Slack gateway for Amazon Q Business) You’ll be able converse with Amazon Q Business using Teams direct messages (DMs) to ask questions and get answers based on company data, get help creating new content such as email drafts, summarize attached files, and perform tasks.

Build enterprise-ready generative AI solutions with Cohere foundation models in Amazon Bedrock and Weaviate vector database on AWS Marketplace

This post discusses how enterprises can build accurate, transparent, and secure generative AI applications while keeping full control over proprietary data. The proposed solution is a RAG pipeline using an AI-native technology stack, whose components are designed from the ground up with AI at their core, rather than having AI capabilities added as an afterthought. We demonstrate how to build an end-to-end RAG application using Cohere’s language models through Amazon Bedrock and a Weaviate vector database on AWS Marketplace.