AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Configure and use defaults for Amazon SageMaker resources with the SageMaker Python SDK

The Amazon SageMaker Python SDK is an open-source library for training and deploying machine learning (ML) models on Amazon SageMaker. Enterprise customers in tightly controlled industries such as healthcare and finance set up security guardrails to ensure their data is encrypted and traffic doesn’t traverse the internet. To ensure the SageMaker training and deployment of […]

Amazon SageMaker XGBoost now offers fully distributed GPU training

Amazon SageMaker provides a suite of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help data scientists and machine learning (ML) practitioners get started on training and deploying ML models quickly. You can use these algorithms and models for both supervised and unsupervised learning. They can process various types of input data, including tabular, […]

Analyze Amazon SageMaker spend and determine cost optimization opportunities based on usage, Part 1

Cost optimization is one of the pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and it’s a continual process of refinement and improvement over the span of a workload’s lifecycle. It enables building and operating cost-aware systems that minimize costs, maximize return on investment, and achieve business outcomes. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning (ML) […]

Build a powerful question answering bot with Amazon SageMaker, Amazon OpenSearch Service, Streamlit, and LangChain

One of the most common applications of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) in an enterprise environment is answering questions based on the enterprise’s knowledge corpus. Amazon Lex provides the framework for building AI based chatbots. Pre-trained foundation models (FMs) perform well at natural language understanding (NLU) tasks such summarization, text generation and question […]

Get insights on your user’s search behavior from Amazon Kendra using an ML-powered serverless stack

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and intelligent search service that enables users to search unstructured and structured data using natural language processing (NLP) and advanced search algorithms. With Amazon Kendra, you can find relevant answers to your questions quickly, without sifting through documents. However, just enabling end-users to get the answers to their queries […]

Dialogue-guided intelligent document processing with foundation models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Intelligent document processing (IDP) is a technology that automates the processing of high volumes of unstructured data, including text, images, and videos. IDP offers a significant improvement over manual methods and legacy optical character recognition (OCR) systems by addressing challenges such as cost, errors, low accuracy, and limited scalability, ultimately leading to better outcomes for […]

Perform batch transforms with Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart Text2Text Generation large language models

Today we are excited to announce that you can now perform batch transforms with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart large language models (LLMs) for Text2Text Generation. Batch transforms are useful in situations where the responses don’t need to be real time and therefore you can do inference in batch for large datasets in bulk. For batch transform, […]

Deploy generative AI models from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart using the AWS CDK

The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of virtually infinite compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across industries are rapidly adopting and using ML technologies to transform their businesses. Just recently, generative AI applications have […]

GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B foundation model for chatbot applications is now available on Amazon SageMaker

Today we are excited to announce that Together Computer’s GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B language foundation model is available for customers using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B is an open-source model to build conversational bots. You can easily try out this model and use it with JumpStart. JumpStart is the machine learning (ML) hub of Amazon SageMaker that provides access […]

Publish predictive dashboards in Amazon QuickSight using ML predictions from Amazon SageMaker Canvas

April 2024: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Understanding business trends, customer behavior, sales revenue, increase in demand, and buyer propensity all start with data. Exploring, analyzing, interpreting, and finding trends in data is essential for businesses to achieve successful outcomes. Business analysts play a pivotal role in facilitating data-driven business decisions through […]