AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Announcing provisioned concurrency for Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference

Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference allows you to serve model inference requests in real time without having to explicitly provision compute instances or configure scaling policies to handle traffic variations. You can let AWS handle the undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing the underlying infrastructure and save costs in the process. A Serverless Inference endpoint spins up […]

Host ML models on Amazon SageMaker using Triton: Python backend

Amazon SageMaker provides a number of options for users who are looking for a solution to host their machine learning (ML) models. Of these options, one of the key features that SageMaker provides is real-time inference. Real-time inference workloads can have varying levels of requirements and service level agreements (SLAs) in terms of latency and […]

Securing MLflow in AWS: Fine-grained access control with AWS native services

June 2024: The contents of this post are out of date. We recommend you refer to Announcing the general availability of fully managed MLflow on Amazon SageMaker for the latest. With Amazon SageMaker, you can manage the whole end-to-end machine learning (ML) lifecycle. It offers many native capabilities to help manage ML workflows aspects, such […]

Host ML models on Amazon SageMaker using Triton: TensorRT models

Sometimes it can be very beneficial to use tools such as compilers that can modify and compile your models for optimal inference performance. In this post, we explore TensorRT and how to use it with Amazon SageMaker inference using NVIDIA Triton Inference Server. We explore how TensorRT works and how to host and optimize these […]

Build an image search engine with Amazon Kendra and Amazon Rekognition

In this post, we discuss a machine learning (ML) solution for complex image searches using Amazon Kendra and Amazon Rekognition. Specifically, we use the example of architecture diagrams for complex images due to their incorporation of numerous different visual icons and text. With the internet, searching and obtaining an image has never been easier. Most […]

Achieve high performance with lowest cost for generative AI inference using AWS Inferentia2 and AWS Trainium on Amazon SageMaker

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has been witnessing a paradigm shift with the rise of generative AI models that can create human-like text, images, code, and audio. Compared to classical ML models, generative AI models are significantly bigger and more complex. However, their increasing complexity also comes with high costs […]

Implement backup and recovery using an event-driven serverless architecture with Amazon SageMaker Studio

Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for ML. It provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all machine learning (ML) development steps required to build, train, tune, debug, deploy, and monitor models. It gives data scientists all the tools you need to take ML models from experimentation […]

How Vericast optimized feature engineering using Amazon SageMaker Processing

This post is co-written by Jyoti Sharma and Sharmo Sarkar from Vericast. For any machine learning (ML) problem, the data scientist begins by working with data. This includes gathering, exploring, and understanding the business and technical aspects of the data, along with evaluation of any manipulations that may be needed for the model building process. […]

Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler for dimensionality reduction

In the world of machine learning (ML), the quality of the dataset is of significant importance to model predictability. Although more data is usually better, large datasets with a high number of features can sometimes lead to non-optimal model performance due to the curse of dimensionality. Analysts can spend a significant amount of time transforming […]

Identify objections in customer conversations using Amazon Comprehend to enhance customer experience without ML expertise

According to a PWC report, 32% of retail customers churn after one negative experience, and 73% of customers say that customer experience influences their purchase decisions. In the global retail industry, pre- and post-sales support are both important aspects of customer care. Numerous methods, including email, live chat, bots, and phone calls, are used to […]