AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Bring your own ML model into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and generate accurate predictions

Machine learning (ML) helps organizations generate revenue, reduce costs, mitigate risk, drive efficiencies, and improve quality by optimizing core business functions across multiple business units such as marketing, manufacturing, operations, sales, finance, and customer service. With AWS ML, organizations can accelerate the value creation from months to days. Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual, point-and-click […]

Question answering using Retrieval Augmented Generation with foundation models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we announce the availability of sample notebooks that demonstrate question answering tasks using a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)-based approach with large language models (LLMs) in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Text generation using RAG with LLMs enables you to generate domain-specific text outputs by supplying specific external data as part of the context fed to LLMs. […]

Prepare image data with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

The rapid adoption of smart phones and other mobile platforms has generated an enormous amount of image data. According to Gartner, unstructured data now represents 80–90% of all new enterprise data, but just 18% of organizations are taking advantage of this data. This is mainly due to a lack of expertise and the large amount […]

Sample Machine Learning Lifecycle

Deliver your first ML use case in 8–12 weeks

Do you need help to move your organization’s Machine Learning (ML) journey from pilot to production? You’re not alone. Most executives think ML can apply to any business decision, but on average only half of the ML projects make it to production. This post describes how to implement your first ML use case using Amazon […]

Perform intelligent search across emails in your Google workspace using the Gmail connector for Amazon Kendra

Many organizations use Gmail for their business email needs. Gmail for Business is part of Google Workspace, which provides a set of productivity and collaboration tools like Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and more. For any organization, emails contain a wealth of information, which could be within the subject of an email, the message […]

Domain-adaptation Fine-tuning of Foundation Models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart on Financial data

Large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters are currently at the forefront of natural language processing (NLP). These models are shaking up the field with their incredible abilities to generate text, analyze sentiment, translate languages, and much more. With access to massive amounts of data, LLMs have the potential to revolutionize the way we […]

Overcome the machine learning cold start challenge in fraud detection using Amazon Fraud Detector

As more businesses increase their online presence to serve their customers better, new fraud patterns are constantly emerging. In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, where fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated in their tactics, detecting and preventing such fraudulent activities has become paramount for companies and financial institutions. Traditional rule-based fraud detection systems are capped in their […]

Solution architecture overview

Deploy a predictive maintenance solution for airport baggage handling systems with Amazon Lookout for Equipment

This is a guest post co-written with Moulham Zahabi from Matarat. Probably everyone has checked their baggage when flying, and waited anxiously for their bags to appear at the carousel. Successful and timely delivery of your bags depends on a massive infrastructure called the baggage handling system (BHS). This infrastructure is one of the key […]

Detect real and live users and deter bad actors using Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness

Financial services, the gig economy, telco, healthcare, social networking, and other customers use face verification during online onboarding, step-up authentication, age-based access restriction, and bot detection. These customers verify user identity by matching the user’s face in a selfie captured by a device camera with a government-issued identity card photo or preestablished profile photo. They […]

Run secure processing jobs using PySpark in Amazon SageMaker Pipelines

Amazon SageMaker Studio can help you build, train, debug, deploy, and monitor your models and manage your machine learning (ML) workflows. Amazon SageMaker Pipelines enables you to build a secure, scalable, and flexible MLOps platform within Studio. In this post, we explain how to run PySpark processing jobs within a pipeline. This enables anyone that […]