AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Announcements

Flag harmful content using Amazon Comprehend toxicity detection

Online communities are driving user engagement across industries like gaming, social media, ecommerce, dating, and e-learning. Members of these online communities trust platform owners to provide a safe and inclusive environment where they can freely consume content and contribute. Content moderators are often employed to review user-generated content and check that it’s safe and compliant […]

Fine-tune and Deploy Mistral 7B with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we are excited to announce the capability to fine-tune the Mistral 7B model using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. You can now fine-tune and deploy Mistral text generation models on SageMaker JumpStart using the Amazon SageMaker Studio UI with a few clicks or using the SageMaker Python SDK. Foundation models perform very well with generative tasks, […]

Build trust and safety for generative AI applications with Amazon Comprehend and LangChain

We are witnessing a rapid increase in the adoption of large language models (LLM) that power generative AI applications across industries. LLMs are capable of a variety of tasks, such as generating creative content, answering inquiries via chatbots, generating code, and more. Organizations looking to use LLMs to power their applications are increasingly wary about data privacy to ensure trust and safety is maintained within their generative AI applications. This includes handling customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) data properly. It also includes preventing abusive and unsafe content from being propagated to LLMs and checking that data generated by LLMs follows the same principles. In this post, we discuss new features powered by Amazon Comprehend that enable seamless integration to ensure data privacy, content safety, and prompt safety in new and existing generative AI applications.

Harnessing the power of enterprise data with generative AI: Insights from Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models

Large language models (LLMs) with their broad knowledge, can generate human-like text on almost any topic. However, their training on massive datasets also limits their usefulness for specialized tasks. Without continued learning, these models remain oblivious to new data and trends that emerge after their initial training. Furthermore, the cost to train new LLMs can […]

Personalize your search results with Amazon Personalize and Amazon OpenSearch Service integration

Amazon Personalize has launched a new integration with Amazon OpenSearch Service that enables you to personalize search results for each user and assists in predicting their search needs. The Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin within OpenSearch Service allows you to improve the end-user engagement and conversion from your website and app search by taking advantage […]

Index your web crawled content using the new Web Crawler for Amazon Kendra

In this post, we show how to index information stored in websites and use the intelligent search in Amazon Kendra to search for answers from content stored in internal and external websites. In addition, the ML-powered intelligent search can accurately get answers for your questions from unstructured documents with natural language narrative content, for which keyword search is not very effective.

Mistral 7B foundation models from Mistral AI are now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we are excited to announce that the Mistral 7B foundation models, developed by Mistral AI, are available for customers through Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to deploy with one click for running inference. With 7 billion parameters, Mistral 7B can be easily customized and quickly deployed. You can try out this model with SageMaker JumpStart, a […]

Code Llama code generation models from Meta are now available via Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we are excited to announce Code Llama foundation models, developed by Meta, are available for customers through Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to deploy with one click for running inference. Code Llama is a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) capable of generating code and natural language about code from both code and natural language prompts. Code […]

Announcing New Tools to Help Every Business Embrace Generative AI

From startups to enterprises, organizations of all sizes are getting started with generative AI. They want to capitalize on generative AI and translate the momentum from betas, prototypes, and demos into real-world productivity gains and innovations. But what do organizations need to bring generative AI into the enterprise and make it real? When we talk […]

Fine-tune Llama 2 for text generation on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we are excited to announce the capability to fine-tune Llama 2 models by Meta using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. The Llama 2 family of large language models (LLMs) is a collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned generative text models ranging in scale from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. Fine-tuned LLMs, called Llama-2-chat, are optimized for dialogue use cases.