AWS for M&E Blog

Category: AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Part 1 – Streaming video to AWS Elemental MediaConnect using Zixi SDK

Introduction This is the first in a 3-part blog series that explores ways to bring on-premises video contribution to the AWS Cloud using AWS Elemental MediaConnect with the Zixi protocol for secure, reliable, and scalable streaming. Using Zixi SDK for AWS Elemental MediaConnect (we refer to this as Zixi-MediaConnect), we can broadcast by encapsulating a […]

AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds SRT to its list of high-availability protocols

AWS Elemental MediaConnect provides reliable, secure live video transport using protocols like Zixi, Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) with forward error correction (FEC). Now MediaConnect has added another protocol to the list with support for SRT. SRT, which stands for Secure Reliable Transport, is a highly reliable, low-latency video streaming transport protocol. […]

How to: Delivering high-profile live video streams using AWS Media Services

Introduction In a previous Media Blog series, we provided several examples of sophisticated workflows using AWS Media Services. In this post, I demonstrate a workflow that delivers a basic HLS livestream with resiliency for high-visibility events. Workflow overview This workflow uses multiple levels of redundancy to eliminate several single points of failure that might take […]

Nippon Television Network Corporation implements cloud playout using AWS

A playout system is used to stream video for broadcasting and over-the-top (OTT) video. It performs tasks such as: switching between a live feed and a pre-recorded asset; controlling and editing the progress of a TV program; and switching video sources if there is an emergency. Frame-level accuracy is vital because switching between a live […]

LTN and Grabyo offer a sneak peek at AWS CDI in live sports production

Authored by Rick Young, SVP and Head of Global Products at LTN, and Gareth Capon, CEO at Grabyo. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.   While cloud-based production has steadily gained favor among broadcasters, live […]

Simplify complex media workflows with M2A Connect and AWS

Authored by Marcus Box, CTO and Founder at M2A Media. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.   When AWS announced the release of AWS Elemental MediaConnect in 2018, we at M2A could immediately see all […] inspires Asia Pacific travelers with #DreamNowTripLater live video streams powered by Amazon Web Services

When travel began to slow this year, online travel agency Group quickly pivoted its marketing strategy, opting to bring travel experiences to its more than 400 million customers via engaging and entertaining content. As part of its #DreamNowTripLater campaign, each week the company selected up to five travel hot spots around the world, where […]

Zixi live streams 4K content on the 5G Edge with AWS Wavelength

Sports fans and entertainment buffs have a high bar for their live streaming experiences, demanding outstanding performances on any device, quick start times, and no buffering. Viewers also want more live streamed content than ever, and, increasingly, in vivid 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) resolution. These applications require ultra-low latencies in order to deliver high-quality […]

Animation Research uses AWS to virtualize remote sports production

AWS also helps ARL’s Virtual Eye production arm to reduce its carbon footprint while delivering high-profile sports events to fans around the world Virtual Eye is the sports division of New Zealand-based Animation Research, LTD, which is one of Australasia’s leading 3D computer graphics production houses. For more than 25 years, Emmy® Award-winning Virtual Eye […]

Germany’s DFL taps AWS Media Services for new live streaming platform

The DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL), which is the governing body of the Bundesliga, is responsible for the organization and marketing of professional football in Germany. The Bundesliga, the soccer league with the best goals-per-game rate among Europe’s top five football leagues, is using AWS Media Services to power its new live streaming service. Using […]