Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Analyze Network Traffic of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) by CIDR blocks

This post was co-written by Abhijit Rajeshirke, Solutions Architect at AWS; Charu Singh, Software Development Engineer at AWS; and Hooman Rashedi, Principal Solution Architect at Presidio AWS enterprise customers are using hundreds of accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to segment their workloads and expand their footprint. This level of scale can lead […]

How Repsol manages and monitors their AWS network with dashboards, alarms and automation

Large enterprises often deploy workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using multiple accounts. This helps isolate workloads, manage permissions more easily, and simplifies cost allocation. However, managing a multi-account environment can make your network topology more complex and requires additional monitoring and automation. At Repsol, a global multi-energy company present throughout the entire value chain, […]

CloudFront and Lambda

Using Amazon CloudFront with AWS Lambda as origin to accelerate your web applications

In this blog, you will learn how to use the Lambda Function URL feature to define a AWS Lambda Function as origin for Amazon CloudFront. Lambda Function URL capability provides a dedicated HTTPS endpoint for your Lambda function deployed in an AWS Region. Function URLs are a great fit for use cases where you must […]

Amazon CloudFront introduces Server Timing headers

Introduction Amazon CloudFront has recently announced a new feature, Server Timing headers, which provides detailed performance information, such as whether content was served from cache when a request was received, how the request was routed to the CloudFront edge location, and how much time elapsed during each stage of the connection and response process. Server […]

Collecting AWS networking information in large multi-account environments

Many organizations need to review or audit networking information within AWS environments that contain multiple AWS accounts. At scale, questions such as “which accounts have Internet access enabled?”, “which account owns the Elastic IP” and, “what are the IP addresses of my NAT gateways?” can be challenging to answer. Traditionally, within an individual account, […]

Implementing Default Directory Indexes in Amazon S3-backed Amazon CloudFront Origins Using CloudFront Functions

Amazon CloudFront Functions now makes it possible to do things that were previously only possible with AWS Lambda@Edge, but in a more performant manner. For example, now you can manipulate the URI path—something that is essential when you want to secure an origin using an Origin Access Identity (OAI) with Amazon CloudFront. In 2017, I […]

Running multicast-enabled containers on AWS

Introduction Multicast is a popular IP-based communication mechanism that is actively employed in many industry verticals, including finance, media, telco, transportation, and others. This post describes how to enable multicast in container environments orchestrated by Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). Although Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service, some additional steps must be […]

AWS Networking and Content Delivery Recap of re:Invent 2021

Happy 2022 AWS Networking & Content Delivery enthusiasts! In December 2021, AWS hosted its 10th annual re:Invent conference. The Networking & Content Delivery team had 14 unique breakout sessions that were recorded and can be found on this playlist. In addition to these sessions, the Networking team had a leadership session presented by David Brown, […]

Implement a central ingress Application Load Balancer supporting private Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service VPCs

Introduction Many organizations deploy Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters into Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environments with direct access to the internet and to other VPCs. Connectivity between the VPC hosting the Amazon EKS cluster and other VPCs is typically created using routed networking services, such as VPC Peering or AWS Transit Gateway. […]

Using AWS SSO with AWS Client VPN for authentication and authorization

AWS Client VPN  is a simple solution that allows users to connect from anywhere to their AWS environments, a capability that has become important to almost every organization over the last year. Single sign-on (SSO) is used widely across organizations of all sizes to authenticate and authorize their users’ access to enterprise applications and IT […]