Networking & Content Delivery

Tag: Networking & Content Delivery

CloudFront and Lambda

Using Amazon CloudFront with AWS Lambda as origin to accelerate your web applications

In this blog, you will learn how to use the Lambda Function URL feature to define a AWS Lambda Function as origin for Amazon CloudFront. Lambda Function URL capability provides a dedicated HTTPS endpoint for your Lambda function deployed in an AWS Region. Function URLs are a great fit for use cases where you must […]

Building Multi-Region AWS Client VPN with AWS Directory Service and Amazon Route 53

Building Multi-Region AWS Client VPN with Microsoft Active Directory and Amazon Route 53

Introduction Organizations often require a secure connection between their users and resources on internal networks. For organizations with a global workforce, traditional virtual private network (VPN) solutions can be difficult to scale. Providing a single VPN endpoint creates a single point of failure: an outage would mean loss of connectivity to critical IT infrastructure. Authenticating […]

Target Group Load Shedding for Application Load Balancer

Load Shedding Load shedding is the practice of sacrificing enough application traffic to keep partial availability in the presence of an overload condition. Used in conjunction with strategies like load balancing, load shedding helps applications support service level agreements (SLAs) when increased traffic overwhelms available system resources. While the cloud’s elasticity reduces the need for […]

Using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Logs with CloudWatch Contributor Insights and Anomaly Detection

Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical components for almost any network as every service relies on a functional DNS service. Amazon Route 53 Resolver (sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2/+2 resolver”) provides a highly available and scalable DNS service that customers have come to rely upon for their recursive DNS […]

Influencing Traffic over Hybrid Networks using Longest Prefix Match

Influencing Traffic over Hybrid Networks using Longest Prefix Match

Introduction Many organizations use hybrid networks to connect on-premises data centers to the cloud. These networks often use both AWS Direct Connect and private WAN MPLS links to connect data centers to cloud resources and to each other. With multiple connections, organizations need to be able to control the path that network traffic will follow […]

How AWS is helping to secure internet routing

The internet works reliably, in large part, on the basis of a key technology called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). BGP is a means by which all junction points on the internet (routers) communicate with each other to dynamically establish the correct (and correctly weighted) paths that network packets should follow to traverse the global networking […]

CloudFront migration series (Part 1) – introduction

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. This is the first post in a blog series about Amazon CloudFront migrations. CloudFront works with other AWS edge networking services, to provide content delivery, perimeter security, end-user routing, and edge compute. CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which […]

Simplify SD-WAN connectivity with AWS Transit Gateway Connect

SD-WANs, or Software Defined Wide Area Networks, have long been used to connect data centers and branch offices over the public internet. Today, those networks must also extend to the cloud. However, traditional SD-WAN infrastructure is not always well suited for this task—significantly increasing complexity and operational burden. At the same time, many AWS customers […]

Optimizing performance for users in China with Amazon Route 53 and Amazon CloudFront

China is an important market for global companies. Both enterprises and startups conducting or expanding business globally are looking for ways to tap into the growing user market in China. To help accelerate the customer cloud journey and help them move quickly into the new markets, AWS China (Beijing) Region was launched in 2016, followed […]

Creating active passive BGP connections over AWS Direct Connect

Creating active/passive BGP connections over AWS Direct Connect

There are many ways to connect your data centers to Amazon Web Services. This blog post answers a few common questions that customers ask us when trying to build a communications path over AWS Direct Connect (DX). In particular, how to create active passive Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections with AWS over Direct Connect. To […]