AWS Public Sector Blog
Category: Amazon Elastic Container Service
Migrate and modernize public sector applications using containers and serverless
Many public sector customers are interested in building secure, cost-effective, reliable, and highly performant applications. Technologies like containerization and serverless help customers migrate and modernize their applications. In this blog post, learn how public sector customers use offerings from AWS like AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to build modern applications supporting diverse use cases, including those driven by machine learning (ML) and generative artificial intelligence (AI). If you want to learn more on this topic, please register to attend the webinar series, Build Modern Applications on AWS.
Data is helping EdTechs shape the next generation of solutions
Forrester estimates that data-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30 percent annually. This is also happening at education technology companies. With new data sources have emerging, including real-time streaming data from virtual classrooms, mobile engagement, unique usage, and new learners, these data sources are shaping the next generation of EdTech products that engage learners meaningfully around the world. Learn how four AWS EdStart Members are utilizing data to power their solutions.
How to build smart cities with FIWARE Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS
Several smart cities use FIWARE, an open source framework supporting the development of smart solutions. FIWARE leverages sensing data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, then collects, stores, and analyzes data with an API call. One FIWARE component, Orion Context Broker, gathers context information from diverse sources such as mobile apps, IoT devices, and social networking services, and manages the lifecycle of this context information, from registrations, updates, queries, and subscriptions. In this blog post, we address building Orion Context Broker on AWS. Learn how to deploy Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and Docker Compose quickly.
One small team created a cloud-based predictive modeling solution to improve healthcare services in the UK
How do you predict and prepare for your citizens’ health and wellness needs during the COVID-19 pandemic? Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS) quickly scaled a platform on AWS to support the 1.8 million people in their region with Nexus Intelligence, an interactive health intelligence application with a suite of predictive models against various measures of need and health outcomes. Nexus Intelligence not only supported the ICS response to the pandemic, but is expected to help reconfigure and re-invest in services to improve the health and well-being of the population and reduce health inequalities.
AWS enables the US federal government’s move to IPv6
The U.S. government has spent the last 16 years moving toward IPv6 adoption, requiring federal agencies to operationally deploy IPv6 for public internet servers and internal applications. AWS is committed to the enablement of IPv6, and our cloud services enable public sector customers to move to IPv6 as mission allows.
How Bucknell IT got 40 percent of their time back by moving ERP to the cloud
“Action cannot be completed because the system is out of date.” Every technology user understands the frustration of getting this message. When Bucknell University turned to the cloud to modernize their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, they found unexpected gifts along the way: more cost savings, better solutions, and best of all, new “found” time to devote to high impact projects.
Accelerating COVID-19 vaccine rollout with Zocdoc on AWS
With more than 1,400 different systems that healthcare providers use to run their scheduling, and millions of Chicago residents seeking a vaccine, a unified, citywide rollout for COVID-19 vaccinations is a challenge. Like many municipalities, early in the pandemic, the city of Chicago preferred to offer its residents a centralized find-and-book appointment system for COVID-19 testing, but other priorities and operational challenges prevented this. However, for vaccines, the team leading the city’s COVID-19 vaccination response was determined to deliver a more seamless experience for residents. The city used the Zocdoc Vaccine Scheduler built on AWS.
Digitally revolutionizing workforce management in healthcare
COVID-19 highlighted the existing shortage in personnel within healthcare and is now challenging many hospitals with high staff turnover and sick leave. Planerio created workforce management solutions that help healthcare organizations modernize their workforce administration. Their shift planning software uses artificial intelligence (AI) and takes into account a range of planning variables such as employee qualifications and availabilities, employee preferences and requests, requirements of different shifts and workplaces, legal regulations and tariffs, and more.
Bridging data silos to house and serve the homeless
Efforts to prevent and combat homelessness are limited by the lack of comprehensive data about people experiencing homelessness. This makes it difficult for states to identify trends and emerging needs to respond and make data-driven decisions about the effective deployment of resources. The cloud can help bridge information silos. Read on for examples of how states use the cloud to bridge data silos and better serve the homeless.
To democratise educational access and experience for millions of students worldwide, CDSM depends on the cloud
CDSM Interactive Solutions Ltd (CDSM), founded in 1998, is a multi-faceted EdTech company that provides bespoke e-learning services and Thinqi, a next generation learning management system (LMS), to the state education sector. We spent some time with two of CDSM’s more senior colleagues, Steve Finch, Head of Marketing, and Darren Wallace, Chief Technical Officer, both of whom have been with CDSM since the early 2000s.