AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: AWS Certificate Manager

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Singapore’s EVe harnesses the power of data with help from NTT DATA, AWS"

Singapore’s EVe harnesses the power of data with help from NTT DATA, AWS

In alignment with Singapore’s ambitious sustainability objectives, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore is intensifying its efforts to spur the adoption of electric vehicles. This contributes to the nation’s goal of achieving 100 percent cleaner energy vehicles by 2040, and the effort leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS). LTA has set up EV-Electric Charging Pte Ltd (EVe) to manage the deployment of up to 12,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points distributed across 2,000 Housing Development Board (HDB) carparks.

AWS branded backgroun with text overlay that reads "Lessons learned from Intelsat's successful domain migration with AWS"

Lessons learned from Intelsat’s successful domain migration with AWS

In 2022, Intelsat — operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks and a leading provider of in-flight connectivity — collaborated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to complete a post-acquisition domain migration from Gogo Commercial Aviation without impacting inflight experiences and other operations. This blog post shares the lessons learned from Intelsat’s successful domain migration with AWS.

Encryption in transit for public sector

Encryption-in-transit for public sector workloads with AWS Nitro Enclaves and AWS Certificate Manager

Government, education, nonprofit, healthcare, and other public sector organizations process and store sensitive data including health records, tax data, PII, student data, criminal justice information, and financial data. These workloads carry stringent security and compliance requirements to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this data both in transit and at rest. Best practices for protection of data in transit include enforcing appropriately defined encryption requirements, authenticating network communications, and implementing secure key and certificate management systems. In this post, I demonstrate a solution for deploying a highly available and fault tolerant web service with managed certificates and TLS termination performed on customer-managed EC2 Nitro instances using ACM for Nitro Enclaves.