AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: digital transformation

Imagine NPO 2020

Where mission outcomes and technology come together for impact: IMAGINE: Nonprofit Online recap

At the fifth annual AWS IMAGINE Nonprofit event—the first online—nonprofits from around the world shared stories of how technology came together in support of their mission to impact the communities they serve. The annual event brings together nonprofit leaders, technologists, and innovators to discuss how technology can help drive a positive impact for both people and the planet. Nonprofit speakers shared their journeys to solve for big challenges and how they’ve achieved their desired outcomes. Read on for more on what you missed.

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Smart cities, health and wellbeing, and digital transformation: The latest from AWS Cloud Innovation Centers

The global network of Cloud Innovation Centers (CICs) powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) aims to empower public sector organizations to quickly create and test new ideas using Amazon’s innovation methodology. The CIC program brings students, researchers, and the technology expertise of AWS together to solve public sector challenges and gives students the opportunity to engage in project-based learning. Check out some of the CIC challenges during the third quarter of 2020.

Neon sign text "Change"; Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Empowering partners to drive digital transformation: The AWS Partner Transformation Program and eBook

Digital transformation (DX) is shaping the future of business. While it can mean different things to different leaders, DX is about migrating from on-premises and labor-based models to the cloud, then complementing migration with cloud capabilities and agility. But to stop there would miss the full potential of using the cloud to enable DX. To help AWS Partner Network members get started with DX, AWS created the eBook, “The AWS Partner Transformation Program: Setting the Stage to Transformation Your Business.”

Two women working on laptops at a table; Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Rethinking talent development in the digital economy

The ubiquity of always-on, high performance infrastructure is fueling the rapid pace of innovation. Now more than ever, government and private companies can take advantage of affordable and scalable systems to test new ideas, evolve more quickly to meet the needs of their citizens and customers, and operate more securely. And yet, many institutions have not started on their digital journey because they lack a workforce with the advanced skills they need to drive transformational change.

Risk of Digital Status Quo report cover

Why resisting digital transformation is riskier than embracing it, and how to mitigate risk

When considering digital transformation, governments tend to focus on the potential drawbacks instead of focusing on the risks of failing to adopt new technologies. A newly released report by Ottawa-based Public Policy Forum and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Institute, “The Risk of the Digital Status Quo,” outlines four risks of forgoing digital modernization in Canada and offers strategies to address those risks.

Munich University of Applied Sciences launches Digital Transformation Lab, powered by AWS

Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) opened the Digital Transformation Lab (DTLab) at a July 18, 2019 launch event. The MUAS DTLab was created to accelerate public sector innovation in Germany, helping government, education, and nonprofits tackle some of the most pressing challenges in delivering a wide range of citizen services.

Students to accelerate public sector innovation in Germany, ‘powered by AWS’

Today at the AWS Public Sector Summit in Brussels, Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) and CODE University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, announced the launch of their innovation labs designed to accelerate the digital transformation of the public sector. The centers will focus on driving innovation in Germany, helping government, education, and nonprofits tackle some of the most pressing challenges to delivering a wide range of citizen services. With this initiative, students will have access to AWS technologies, innovation methodologies, and technical expertise to experiment with ‘born-in-the-cloud’ solutions.

A Call to Cloud on Canada’s West Coast

Many west coast Canadian customers, such as Vancouver International Airport and BC Hydro, are using the AWS Cloud to save money and better serve citizens. But it doesn’t stop there. Hear firsthand from some of our Canadian customers about their cloud journey. Here’s what they had to say on some key topics – transformation, security, and customer centricity.

AWS Cloud Migration Guide: Methodology for migration readiness and cloud adoption

There are many reasons why public sector customers are migrating to the cloud. Some are migrating to increase the productivity of their workforce. Others are looking to consolidate data centers or minimize costly infrastructure sprawl and modernize legacy applications that have lost value over time. Additionally, visionary organizations are re-imagining their missions by upgrading to cloud-hosted technologies that drive digital transformation.

Digital Transformation: A Guide to Transforming Your Organization with the Cloud

As public sector organizations seek to enhance their technology to respond to the growing demand for digital services, public sector organizations can face budgetary and operational challenges. Here’s where the cloud comes in. It can expedite the path from idea to execution, helping you step beyond the IT office to communicate value and build consensus among your stakeholders.