AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: workforce development

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AWS Tech Alliance expands to Germany, Italy and Singapore

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance expansion into three new countries carries the same mission of aligning education providers, employers, government agencies, and business conveners to grow tech skills in a specific geography. These new Tech Alliances in Germany, Italy, and Singapore will directly connect more than 3,500 learners to cloud employers throughout the 2023-2024 academic year. Read this blog post to learn more about this expansion.

Helping micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises make economic and societal impacts with cloud technologies

Helping micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises make economic and societal impacts with cloud technologies

AWS released a report that examines the potential benefits of moving to the cloud for micro, small, and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) addressing societal issues. Conducted by Accenture, the “Realizing a Cloud-enabled Economy: How Cloud Drives Economic and Societal Impact through Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Businesses” report reveals that MSMEs in the healthcare, education, and agriculture sectors are expected to unlock up to US$161B in annual productivity gains and support 95.8 million jobs by 2030, equivalent to 8% of the total employment on average across the 12 countries studied.

4 steps to launching a successful data literacy program for public sector employees

Public sector agencies today require digital skills to deliver the functions citizens expect, and the innovations necessary to speed up processes and address gaps and inequity. However, digital transformation can only be achieved when workers have the data literacy skills to read, interpret, communicate, and reason with this data. Coursera, an AWS Training Partner, hosts their global online learning platform in AWS Cloud. Coursera has created a four-step framework for successfully building and managing a data literacy program. Learn how your organization can adopt this framework to empower your workforce to harness data more effectively.

STEAM-empowered: AWS launches new skills and education programs to inspire cloud-curious students and empower girls, women across Virginia and beyond

AWS announced the launch of a new program, and the expansion of a second, to increase access to science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) educational programs and resources across Virginia and beyond. These are the most recent AWS community impact efforts that aim to increase access to tech tools and training while reducing barriers to students who are underrepresented and underserved.

AWS presents cloud training pathways for public health professionals

AWS announced Training Pathways for Public Health. These pathways are designed for public health professionals to learn more about the cloud and the AWS services that can help them on their modernization journey. Digital and cloud skills are in high demand in the public health community. To meet this need, public health agencies can upskill staff and develop a new generation of public health professionals who are equipped to work in a modern data architecture.

Pictured: Student writes in a notebook from the AWS Fiber Optic Splicing Course.

AWS skills training programs open doors to tech careers for Virginia workers

In Virginia, where AWS has an important and growing presence, AWS is investing significantly in supporting skills and education programs to promote a thriving workforce. The AWS Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing Certificate Course is one of the programs AWS runs locally to help individuals get the skills necessary to repair and install fiber optic cables. Recently, AWS held a training at the AWS Skills Center in Arlington in collaboration with Northern Virginia Community College. Learn more about how programs like these are supporting the local workforce in Virginia.

Addressing the top 10 priorities of state CIOs with AWS

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recently released the 2023 report of the top 10 priorities of state chief information officers (CIOs) for strategies, management processes, and solutions. AWS works closely NASCIO and with state and local leaders across the US to develop solutions that address these top 10 needs. Explore these top 10 priorities and how state and local leaders can use AWS to support them.

AWS investment in South Africa results in economic ripple effect

According to a new economic impact study (EIS) from AWS, AWS has invested ZAR 15.6 billion through 2022 to meet customer demand for cloud computing services. Thousands of South African customers have used AWS technologies to transform their businesses and accelerate their innovation, agility, and cost savings since AWS launched the AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region in 2020. According to the EIS, AWS operations will add an estimated ZAR 68 billion more to South Africa’s GDP by 2029. AWS’s investment impacts other parts of the South African economy as well, helping develop the next generation of workforce, digitally transform businesses, and promote sustainability throughout the country.

Investing in continuous learning to grow your organization’s future

Many organizations invest in infrastructure for future needs but may overlook needed technical training and cloud modernization skills for people within the organization. The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) provides guidance outlined in six different perspectives for an organization’s cloud transformation journey. One of these perspectives, People perspective: culture and change, addresses how to develop capabilities for the growth of people within an organization. Learn how developing key capabilities within the People perspective of the AWS CAF can support long-term mission success.