AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Amazon FSx for Lustre

Use Amazon FSx for Lustre to share Amazon S3 data across accounts

As enterprises evolve their cloud governance practices, multiple teams working in separate accounts may need to share data. One team may oversee an enterprise data lake in one account, while a data science team develops a high-performance computing (HPC) use case in another account. Customers want to take advantage of low-cost object storage and be […]

Simple and comprehensive data protection with Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager

Enterprises often use distinct accounts to group workloads and associated resources used across multiple teams and projects. This helps organizations align ownership, decision making, and costs so that they can be easily managed across internal teams. However, each team in an account may have different requirements and processes when it comes to backing up their […]

Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for MySQL and PostgreSQL

MySQL and PostgreSQL are popular relational database management systems that many organizations use to power web applications, dynamic websites, and embedded systems. For customers self-hosting MySQL and PostgreSQL with AWS, they can use their choice of tools to manage the operating system, database software, patches, data replication, backup, and restoration. As customers back up their […]

Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for Windows applications

Customers have been running Microsoft workloads on AWS for over 16 years. Through conversations with these customers, a common challenge we’ve found is that as they back up their Windows applications to fulfill data protection needs, they often spend significant time and manual effort managing the orchestration of backup workflows. The time- and labor-intensive process […]

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Manage event ordering and duplicate events with Amazon S3 Event Notifications

Customers use data events to build applications to trigger and communicate between decoupled services. An event is a change in state of, or an update to, data. For certain applications, such as batch order processing or content management, customers may need to implement application logic to handle duplicate and out-of-order events. For these use cases, […]

Automate Amazon S3 File Gateway on Amazon EC2 with Terraform by HashiCorp

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) involves managing IT infrastructure through code and automation tools to reduce manual management prone to errors, slow scaling, and overhead. For organizations implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure, automation can ensure uniformity, scalability, and cost reduction while getting cloud resources provisioned efficiently. Automated provisioning and configuration enable organizations to adapt, innovate, and […]

Retaining Amazon EC2 AMI snapshots for compliance using Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive

Many organizations have the need to retain data for a number of years to comply with regulations or IT requirements. They move cold data to archive storage in the cloud to optimize storage costs while staying compliant. For example, Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a critical data resource that many customers want to retain long term to meet compliance. Until […]

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Getting visibility into storage usage in multi-tenant Amazon S3 buckets

SaaS providers with multi-tenant environments use cloud solutions to dynamically scale their workloads as customer demand increases. As their cloud footprint grows, having visibility into each end-customer’s storage consumption becomes important to distribute resources accordingly. An organization can use storage usage data per customer (tenant) to adjust its pricing model or better plan its budget. […]

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Consolidate and query Amazon S3 Inventory reports for Region-wide object-level visibility

Organizations around the world store billions of objects and files representing terabytes to petabytes of data. Data is often owned by different teams, departments, or business units, spanning multiple locations. As the amount of datastores, locations, and owners grow, you need a way to cost-effectively maintain visibility on important characteristics of your data, including based […]

AWS Application Migration Service

Migrate compute from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to AWS using AWS Application Migration Service

Customers using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) might explore the option of spreading or transitioning their cloud usage away from GCP to alternative providers for various reasons, including cost evaluations, data centralization, or changes in business requirements. Regardless of the motivating factors, adopting effective migration solutions can lead to time and cost savings while reducing downtime. […]