AWS Storage Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate and improve your security posture using AWS Backup and AWS PrivateLink

Enterprises set up their AWS environment preconfigured in-line with organizational security policies, compliance, and detective and preventive controls codified right from the beginning. Furthermore, enterprises want to access cloud-native services in a manner similar to how they have been consuming services in the past, from within their own secured networking environment according to their security […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

5 ways to simplify backup plans using AWS Backup resource assignment rules

Prior to the announcement of new resource assignment capabilities in AWS Backup, customers could assign resources to a backup plan in two ways. They could either select a specific resource using its resource ID or define a specific selection tag, which helps the service identify resources to be backed up by the backup plan. While […]

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

How Trend Micro uses Amazon S3 Object Lambda to help keep sensitive data secure

Does your application handle data that is uploaded by hundreds of thousands of end users? Is that same underlying data then shared across the same magnitude of users? Being able to scan data for malware before it’s returned to an application helps keep sensitive data secure, provides protection regardless of when the data was initially […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Compressing and archiving logs to the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

In distributed architectures, there is often a need to preserve application logs, and for AWS customers preservation is often done via an Amazon S3 bucket. The logs may contain information on runtime transactions, error/failure states, or application metrics and statistics. These logs are later used in business intelligence to provide useful insights and generate dashboards, […]

How SkyWatch built its satellite imagery solution using AWS Lambda and Amazon EFS

SkyWatch is on a mission to democratize remote sensing data through a simple user experience. Every day, trillions of pixels of Earth observation imagery are captured by satellites orbiting our planet. New applications for this data are developed every week, with demand increasing across many industries. Examples include commercial applications, such as construction, finance, and […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Creating a scalable disaster recovery plan with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

IT disruptions can occur for many reasons, including human error, weather, or a cyber attack. Enterprises need to have a solution in place that will get them up and running quickly with minimal downtime. When orchestrating disaster recovery at scale, it is important to automate recovery plans as much as possible. This allows for a […]

Amazon EBS

How Cohesity uses Amazon EBS direct APIs to accelerate application backup and recovery times

When backing up applications, AWS Backup and Restore Partners seek methods that minimize complexity and reduce costs for their customers. Most backup applications protect Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes using EBS snapshots as a part of Amazon EC2 protection feature. For backups with long term retention, backup applications offer additional streaming backup capabilities that […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate and centrally manage data protection for Amazon S3 with AWS Backup

Customers globally, especially in regulated industries, require centralized protection and demonstrable compliance for their application data. Centralized data protection and enhanced visibility across backup operations can reduce the risks of costly disasters and accidents, improve business continuity, and simplify the auditing process. With AWS Backup for Amazon S3 now being generally available, you can centralize […]


Caching data using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Accessing network attached storage (NAS) over long distances can introduce latency that can potentially impact business processes, slow down engineering jobs, and increase costs. Often only a small percent of the dataset needs to be accessed at any given time, allowing caching data locally to solve these challenges without replicating the full dataset. This is […]

A gene-editing prediction engine with iterative learning cycles built on AWS

NRGene develops cutting-edge genomic analytics products that are reshaping agriculture worldwide. Among our customers are some of the biggest and most sophisticated companies in seed-development, food and beverages, paper, rubber, cannabis, and more. In the middle of 2020, NRGene joined a consortium of companies and academic institutions to build the best-in-class gene-editing prediction platform to […]