AWS Storage Blog

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Best practices for using Amazon EFS for container storage

Tens of thousands of companies are storing petabytes of data on Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), many of them using EFS to store data for containerized applications. Amazon EFS file systems can be attached to containers launched by both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Amazon EFS is a natural […]

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Save even more on scalable, cloud-native file storage with Amazon EFS

Last month, we shared some detail on how tens of thousands of customers are using the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) Infrequent Access storage class (EFS IA) to easily and cost-effectively store their files natively in a fully managed, highly available and durable, elastic cloud file system. We announced on the AWS News blog that […]

S3 Security

Protecting data with Amazon S3 Object Lock

Update (12/11/2023): As of November 20, 2023, Amazon S3 supports enabling S3 Object Lock on existing buckets. Amazon S3 Object Lock is an Amazon S3 feature that allows you to store objects using a write once, read many (WORM) model. You can use WORM protection for scenarios where it is imperative that data is not […]

New on the Machine Learning blog: Speed up training on Amazon SageMaker using Amazon FSx for Lustre and Amazon EFS file systems

Deploying analytics applications and machine learning models requires storage that can scale in capacity and performance to handle workload demands with high throughput and low-latency file operations. A common use case we’re seeing centers around data science teams doing some form of analytics (e.g machine learning, genomics). AWS offers two scalable, durable, highly available file […]

Amazon S3 Batch Operations featured image

Transcoding video files with S3 Batch Operations

The ability to work quickly in bulk—to work smarter rather than harder—is vital for the practical storage management of modern video archives, which can easily be petabytes of data. S3 Batch Operations is an Amazon S3 feature that can perform actions like copying or tagging objects across millions or billions of objects with a single […]

AWS Loft

Free AWS Loft Events: Attend “AWS Storage Days” in San Francisco or NYC

As we gear up for AWS re:Invent 2019 December 2 – 6, we want to ensure you are up to speed on the full portfolio of AWS storage services. In San Francisco September 10 – 11 and in NYC September 24- 25, we will be conducting ‘AWS Storage Days’ at the AWS Loft locations. These […]

Amazon CloudWatch Percentiles on Amazon S3 brings more precision to tracking application response time metrics

If you care about application response time, you’ll be interested in hearing about new Amazon CloudWatch support for percentiles on Amazon S3. Those responsible for the development and operation of applications understand there is a correlation between data response time and your customers’ experience with application responsiveness. For this reason, many organizations have established response […]

Amazon S3 Batch Operations featured image

Encrypting objects with Amazon S3 Batch Operations

Update 4/29/2022: A clarification has been made to the pricing paragraph in the “Setting up and running your S3 Batch Operations job” section of this blog post. Data security keeps your business safe, but encrypting individual files when you manage an extensive data archive can seem daunting. The new Amazon S3 Batch Operations feature lets […]

Storing data with partner backup solutions and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive

AWS recently launched Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, a new storage class that provides the most economical storage currently available in the cloud. This storage class offers you another option at a price point even lower than storing data on tapes in an offsite facility. This post describes the benefits of using S3 Glacier Deep […]

Online Tech Talk August 21st: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options’

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on August 21st where we cover: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options‘ AWS offers a variety of data migration and transfer services to help you move everything from gigabytes to petabytes of data by using network links, express mail, or even a tractor trailer. In this […]