AWS Training and Certification Blog

ICYMI: August 2021 new courses, stories and resources from AWS Training and Certification

Below is a summary of AWS Training and Certification news and updates for August 2021. Dive in and explore more training content, stories, and resources.

New AWS Training courses

AWS Training and Certification empowers learners of various skill levels, roles, and backgrounds to build knowledge and practical skills. We offer more than 500 free, on-demand courses that help customers learn new cloud skills and services when and where it’s convenient for the learner. AWS classroom training offers live classes with instructors who teach in-demand cloud skills and best practices using a mix of presentations, discussion, and hands-on labs. And 11 solution- and role-based AWS Certifications builds credibility and confidence by validating an individual’s cloud skills with an industry-recognized credential. Our training and certification offerings cover the range of AWS services from AWS foundational skills, Machine Learning, Security, Data Analytics, Systems Operations, AWS Architecture, Databases, and more.

Read on for the newest digital and classroom courses.

AWS digital courses

Two new Twitch trainings to help grow your app building and ML skills

You’re invited to join one or both of our two newest, free Twitch training series: Let’s Ship It—with AWS and Quick Start on AWS: Machine Learning. Designed for Twitch with developers of all skill levels in mind, these new training series mark the sixth and seventh Twitch series, respectively, from AWS Training and Certification. Let’s Ship it—with AWS provides developers in startups with the essential building blocks of the AWS Cloud to launch your first web application, and Quick Start on AWS: Machine Learning helps developers of all levels get started with machine learning (ML) through real-world use cases. Read the blog post for more details.

Modernize .NET Applications – Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD

Want to dive deeper into network operational excellence strategies? Check out our new digital course, Modernize.NET Applications – Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD. This advanced, 90-minute course is designed for experienced .NET developers with at least six months of hands-on AWS experience, and introduces learners to the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). During the course, you will learn how to use the AWS CDK to create the infrastructure needed to host a typical ASP.NET Core application, including a Microsoft SQL Server database. You will also learn how to create a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline that will update your deployment when your application changes. Learn more and register today (Customers; Partners; Amazonians).

AWS Network – Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Check out our new digital course, AWS Network – Monitoring and Troubleshooting. This intermediate, 300-minute course is designed for network engineers, enterprise architects, infrastructure architects, systems operators, software engineers, and application architects, and introduces learners to network monitoring and troubleshooting concepts to maintain network operational excellence. During the course, you will learn how to create a network strategy for monitoring and troubleshooting, analyze logs to troubleshoot common network problems, and identify and visualize network traffic paths by mapping the network topology using AWS tools. Learn more and register today (Customers; Partners; Amazonians).

Security Governance at Scale

Take advantage of our new digital course, Security Governance at Scale. This intermediate-level technical course is designed for solution architects, cloud implementation engineers, cloud security practitioners, and other stakeholders responsible for designing, implementing, and/or maintaining secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. This new course introduce learners to the principles of cloud governance, explores its importance in establishing and maintaining security and operational efficiency at scale, and provides best-practices implementation guidance. The four-hour digital course will offer hands-on lab exercises to reinforce key concepts. Learn more and register today (Customers; Amazonians).

New Getting Started with AWS Storage

Ready to start your AWS Storage journey? Check out our new Getting Started with AWS Storage course. This 195-minute digital course is a broad introduction to the AWS Storage Portfolio. It’s designed for business decision makers, solution architects, and developers interested in learning about the individual services that provide storage for customers at different places in their cloud journeys, from migration to hybrid to cloud native. You will also learn about services that provide associated functions, such as data transfer and data protection. Learn more and register today (Customers; Partners; Amazonians).

Accelerate your application-development skills

Are you new to Amazon DynamoDB? Take advantage of our new Developing with Amazon DynamoDB curriculum. This free, six-course curriculum (16 hours total) will teach you how applications interact with Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service, through its API and related AWS services. You will learn how to create and interact with DynamoDB tables and indexes, how to optimize databases for monitoring, performance, and security, and how to design applications using DynamoDB design principles. Each course offers optional, paid labs (nine hours total) to reinforce content and help you implement solutions using the AWS SDK for Python, the AWS CLI, and the AWS Management Console. Learn more and register today (Customers; Partners; Amazonians).

Grow your cloud skills with AWS Training and Certification

AWS re/Start Expands to New Global Locations

AWS re/Start is a free, full-time, classroom-based development and training program that prepares individuals who are unemployed or underemployed for entry-level cloud positions. The program recently launched in the following cities: Lagos, Nigeria; Kigali, Rwanda; Cairo, Egypt; and Santiago, Chile. Check out our story about the program’s rapid expansion in the first half of 2021. Find a full list of participating locations and fill out our interest form to learn more and connect with graduates.

Be a part of our cloud development community

AWS Training and Certification is zeroing in on individual stories of cloud developers who’ve taken advantage of our training to grow their careers and impact their communities. In these stories, you’ll hear exactly how it changed their lives:

  • Veliswa, the first female AWS Developer Advocate in Africa, says her true calling is inspiring people to create better careers and lives for themselves. This realization, Veliswa says, stems from her experience with AWS Training and Certification. She says the training sparked her dream into life. It gave her the confidence and empowerment she needed to overcome imposter syndrome and become an icon of the possibilities the cloud can offer. Read more about Veliswa’s story.
  • For David, seeking to improve his skills through AWS Training and Certification has been an extension of this obsession and desire to operate at the cutting edge of technology. He’s never happier than when delving into the new, untapped, and unexplored possibilities of technology, like quantum computing and artificial intelligence. Read more about David’s story.
  • After extended periods working in accounting and tax law in her native Poland, Karolina finally moved into a career as a developer—the career she’d always dreamed of embracing. Karolina’s pursuit of her goals led her to AWS Training and Certification, which, she says, offered her that all-important first step. Karolina says she’s now in a more fulfilling career, and as a Cloud Architect, she’s at the forefront of one of the tech industry’s most exciting areas of growth. She uses her expertise to accelerate innovation in machine learning, the internet of things, edge computing, and blockchain. Read more about Karolina’s story.
  • After graduating in 2018 with a degree in computing, Sara was always destined for a tech-focused future, but it was the courses she took through AWS Training and Certification that catalyzed her journey and helped shape her career. Today, all sectors—including financial services—are adopting AWS Cloud services, and given that Sara works for a well-regarded financial technology (FinTech) company in Bahrain, she knows firsthand the value of knowledge transfer and exchange. Sara is a digital analyst working with big data in the competitive and exciting world of FinTech and we’re proud she found success with our training and certification. Read more about Sara’s story.
  • At an early age, Karen realized that his specific passions revolved around databases and development. He recognized that within this specific strand of IT, there was room to be creative. Scope for innovation was important to Karen, who also spends his time writing and kickboxing. It might sound counterintuitive, but these disciplines have also instilled in him the resilience needed to follow problems through to their logical conclusion. It’s for this reason, Karen says, that AWS Training and Certification seemed like the only logical step, since it provided a way for him to advance his talents and use the outcome to build a lifelong career in the IT industry. Read more about Karen’s story.
  • Uri describes himself as a thrill seeker and someone for whom life is at its fullest when he’s riding the crest of a wave or riding high on the thrill of passing yet another certification exam. For Uri, AWS Training helped him elevate his career to the next level and this, he says, has ultimately been passed onto clients in the form on innovative ideas. But much more than that, Uri is now regarded as a catalyst and leader of innovation and a thought-leader who writes blogs, hosts webinars, and who now believes his calling is to impart knowledge and spend time educating the developer community. Read more about Uri’s story.
  • For Nicola, life as a developer emerged through a combination of two formative experiences. First, the discipline he learned from skiing, and second, a happy childhood learning all about IT in his father’s computer store. While Nicola embraced skiing and technology at different stages of life, he maintains that both, in different ways, inspired him to seek out AWS Training and Certification. This, he says, is what set him on the path to a successful career within the IT industry, having not only learned techniques and skills, but sharing the experience with other like-minded individuals. Read more about Nicola’s story.
  • Florian’s story is steeped in the transformational power of learning, and democratizing education is a personal passion. Florian is a regular participant in AWS communities where he dispenses technical knowledge and insights that light the way—sometimes literally—for others to achieve. AWS Training and Certification was the initial spark that helped develop his coaching interest while increasing his confidence to develop applications that sit front and center within client environments. Read more about Florian’s story.
  • Bruno’s fascination with tech started at an early age when he realized that innovation could be used to help others, and he hasn’t lost that compassionate streak since. That sense of communal duty, along with a genuine interest in flexing his creative muscle, led Bruno to AWS Training and Certification. Within a short timeframe, Bruno found his passion was ignited for helping fellow colleagues, too. Read more about Bruno’s story.

Supporting the next generation of tech talent

Today in the UK, women account for only 31% of all tech jobs, which means the percentage of those specifically in computing roles is even smaller than that. With this statistic in mind, there’s a real opportunity to create programs like AWS GetIT that will motivate and support the next generation of girls to become tech innovators and leaders. AWS GetIT is designed to introduce secondary school-aged students, particularly girls, aged 12 and 13, to cloud computing and digital skills to inspire them to consider a career in technology. Read more about this program and meet the UK winners of the 2021 competition.

Organizations across the globe are seeking individuals skilled in the transformative technologies of the cloud. Developed at the source, AWS Training and Certification equips diverse builders with the knowledge they need to leverage the power of the AWS Cloud. Follow us today on LinkedIn.