AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Analytics

Archiving Amazon MSK Data to Amazon S3 with the S3 Kafka Connect Connector

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available, and secure Apache Kafka service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Kafka to process steaming data. Learn how to use the new open source Kafka Connect Connector (StreamReactor) from to query, transform, optimize, and archive data from Amazon MSK to Amazon S3. We’ll also demonstrate how to use Amazon Athena to query the partitioned parquet data directly from S3.


Integrating and Analyzing ESG Data on AWS Using CSRHub and Amazon QuickSight

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are increasingly important for financial institutions as they look to assess portfolio risk, meet investment mandates, align with customer values, and report on the sustainability of their portfolios. Working closely with CSRHub, a data provider on AWS Data Exchange, learn how AWS has produced a demonstration to illustrate how customers can analyze company-level ESG scoring data with Amazon QuickSight.

Helping a Pharmaceutical Company Drive Business Insights Using ZS Accelerators on Amazon Redshift

With increasing data variety and volumes, it’s become increasingly necessary to ensure all of an organization’s workloads run in the most efficient manner to reduce overall turn-around time and TCO. Get an overview of the data and analytics platform ZS built to streamline and improve contracting analytics for a top life sciences company. Then, dive deep into the data architecture and learn how ZS evolved its data technology stack to get maximum performance.


Cazena’s Instant AWS Data Lake: Accelerating Time to Analytics from Months to Minutes

Given the breadth of use cases, data lakes need to be a complete analytical environment with a variety of analytical tools, engines, and languages supporting a variety of workloads. These include traditional analytics, business intelligence, streaming event and Internet of Things (IoT) processing, advanced machine learning, and artificial intelligence processing. Learn how Cazena builds and deploys a production ready data lake in minutes for customers.


Building a Single Source of Truth with a Data Hub from Semarchy

Organizations need a comprehensive data management solution that includes data quality, cleansing, de-duplication, and curation capabilities. After consolidating trusted golden records, they need to enforce governance requirements and track changes over time. Semarchy’s xDM platform is an innovation in multi-vector Main Data Management (MDM) that leverages smart algorithms and material design to simplify data stewardship, governance, and integration.

Tape Ark Unlocks Dark Data on AWS with Tape-to-Cloud Migration

Oil and gas operators face significant challenges accessing the subsurface data they have created and saved on tape media. Being able to perform tape migration at scale is highly complex and resource intensive, but it’s essential for oil and gas companies that want to understand their collection so they can unlock the true value of their data. Tape Ark is powered by AWS and uniquely capable of undertaking mass migrations at large scale.

Bursting Your On-Premises Data Lake Analytics and AI Workloads on AWS

Developing and maintaining an on-premises data lake is a complex undertaking. To maximize the value of data and use it as the basis for critical decisions, the data platform must be flexible and cost-effective. Learn how to build a hybrid data lake with Alluxio to leverage analytics and AI on AWS alongside a multi-petabyte on-premises data lake. Alluxio’s solution is called “zero-copy” hybrid cloud, indicating a cloud migration approach without first copying data to Amazon S3.

Data Tokenization with Amazon Redshift and Protegrity

Many companies are using Amazon Redshift to analyze and transform their data. As data continues to grow and become even more important, they are looking for more ways to extract valuable insights. One use case we’re especially excited to support is that of data tokenization and masking. Amazon Redshift has collaborated with Protegrity, an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, to enable organizations with strict security requirements to protect their data while being able to obtain the powerful insights.

How Etleap Integrates with Amazon Redshift Data Sharing to Provide Isolation of ETL and BI Workloads

Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads such as business intelligence, predictive analytics, and real-time streaming analytics. Learn how Etleap integrates with new data sharing and cross-database querying capabilities in Amazon Redshift to enable workload isolation for diverse analytics use cases in customer environments. Etleap integrates with any data source and runs either as a hosted solution (SaaS) or inside your VPC.


How Thundra Decreased Data Processing Pipeline Delay By 3x on Average and 6x on P99

It can be complicated to maintain a robust, scalable, and reliable monitoring system that inputs terabytes of data under heavy traffic. Learn how Thundra has delivered 99.9 percent availability to customers since incorporating AWS services into its product. Thundra’s platform can handle scalability and availability challenges, recover both from partial failures and major outages, and support point-in-time recovery in case of disaster.