AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Analytics


Powering Enterprise Analytics at Scale Using Teradata Vantage on AWS

The amount and variety of existing and newly-generated data in today’s connected world is unparalleled. As this growth continues, so does the opportunity for organizations to extract real value from their data. Teradata Vantage is a modern analytics platform that combines open source and commercial analytic technologies. It can drive autonomous decision-making by helping you to operationalize insights, solve complex business problems, and enable descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.


Lower TCO and Increase Query Performance by Running Hive on Spark in Amazon EMR

Learn how Mactores helped Seagate Technology to use Apache Hive on Apache Spark for queries larger than 10TB, combined with the use of transient Amazon EMR clusters leveraging Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. It was imperative for Seagate to have systems in place to ensure the cost of collecting, storing, and processing data did not exceed their ROI. Moving to Hive on Spark enabled Seagate to continue processing petabytes of data at scale with significantly lower TCO.


Analyze Streaming Data from Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Using Snowflake 

When streaming data comes in from a variety of sources, organizations should have the capability to ingest this data quickly and join it with other relevant business data to derive insights and provide positive experiences to customers. Learn how you can build and run a fully managed Apache Kafka-compatible Amazon MSK to ingest streaming data, and explore how to use a Kafka connect application to persist this data to Snowflake. This enables businesses to derive near real-time insights into end users’ experiences and feedback.


Orchestrating a Predictive Maintenance Data Pipeline on AWS and Control-M

In spite of the rich set of machine learning tools AWS provides, coordinating and monitoring workflows across an ML pipeline remains a complex task. Control-M by BMC Software that simplifies complex application, data, and file transfer workflows, whether on-premises, on the AWS Cloud, or across a hybrid cloud model. Walk through the architecture of a predictive maintenance system we developed to simplify the complex orchestration steps in a machine learning pipeline used to reduce downtime and costs for a trucking company.


Optimizing Presto SQL on Amazon EMR to Deliver Faster Query Processing

Seagate asked Mactores Cognition to evaluate and deliver an alternative data platform to process petabytes of data with consistent performance. It needed to lower query processing time and total cost of ownership, and provide the scalability required to support about 2,000 daily users. Learn about the the three migration options Mactores tested and the architecture of the solution Seagate selected. This effort improved the overall efficiency of Seagate’s Amazon EMR cluster and business operations.

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How to Use Amazon SageMaker to Improve Machine Learning Models for Data Analysis

Amazon SageMaker provides all the components needed for machine learning in a single toolset. This allows ML models to get to production faster with much less effort and at lower cost. Learn about the data modeling process used by BizCloud Experts and the results they achieved for Neiman Marcus. Amazon SageMaker was employed to help develop and train ML algorithms for recommendation, personalization, and forecasting models that Neiman Marcus uses for data analysis and customer insights.


In-Depth Strategies for Building a Scalable, Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution with Amazon Redshift

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) presents developers and architects with a unique set of challenges. One essential decision you’ll have to make is how to partition data for each tenant of your system. Learn how to harness Amazon Redshift to build a scalable, multi-tenant SaaS solution on AWS. This post explores trategies that are commonly used to partition and isolate tenant data in a SaaS environment, and how to apply them in Amazon Redshift.


Accelerating Apache and Hadoop Migrations with Cazena’s Data Lake as a Service on AWS

Running Hadoop, Spark, and related technologies in the cloud provides the flexibility required by these distributed systems. Cazena provides a production-ready, continuously optimized and secured Data Lake as a Service with multiple features that enables migration of Hadoop and Spark analytics workloads to AWS without the need for specialized skills. Learn how Cazena makes it easy to migrate to AWS while ensuring your data is as secure on the cloud as it is on-premises.

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Gathering Market Intelligence from the Web Using Cloud-Based AI and ML Techniques

Many organizations face the challenge of gathering market intelligence on new product and platform announcements made by their partners and competitors—and doing so in a timely fashion. Harnessing these insights quickly can help businesses react to specific industry trends and fuel innovative products and offerings inside their own company.Learn how Accenture helped a customer use AWS to gather critical insights along with key signals and trends from the web using AI and ML techniques.


Enabling Customer Attribution Models on AWS with Automated Data Integration

Attribution models allow companies to guide marketing, sales, and support efforts using data, and then custom tailor every customer’s experience for maximum effect. Combined together, cloud-based data pipeline tools like Fivetran and data warehouses like Amazon Redshift form the infrastructure for integrating and centralizing data from across a company’s operations and activities, enabling business intelligence and analytics activities.