AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Compute


How AWS Partners Can Get Started with AWS Outposts – By Knowing What it’s Not

In speaking with AWS Partners of all sizes and areas of expertise, it’s clear there is a growing need for getting more robust, more powerful AWS technology to the edge, in more clever ways than before. AWS Outposts is a service that allows customers to run a subset of AWS services—on fully managed AWS hardware—located in their own data center, remote office, production plant, or virtually anywhere they want them to be. The art of the possible, as cliché as it can sometimes be, really does start there.

Complexities and Best Practices for AWS Lambda Logging

Serverless has many benefits, but logging from AWS Lambda is like an artistic, creative process. It requires thought and vision to bring together the pieces and assemble them into something organized and functional. The Big Compass Serverless Logging Framework is also a validated AWS solution that helps standardize logs across teams, business units, and Lambdas, easing the burden of implementing a complicated logging framework.

Leveraging Amazon EC2 F1 Instances for Development and Red Teaming in DARPA’s First-Ever Bug Bounty Program

Learn how DARPA engaged AWS Premier Consulting Partner Effectual to ensure a secure and reliable AWS environment, as well as to develop a serverless web application that allowed click-button FPGA SoC provisioning to red team researchers for the different processor variants. The result was DARPA’s first public bug bounty program, which enabled research teams to improve their hardware defenses by addressing any discovered weaknesses or bugs.


Warming Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS Lambda to Improve Application Availability

The legacy nature of its Windows application was a challenge faced by a rail manufacturer while migrating to AWS was. Refactoring the application to leverage AWS cloud-native features was not a viable option in this case, as the vendor had stopped their software maintenance and support. Learn how IBM leveraged AWS to improve the application’s long startup time by implementing a warming functionality using AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager.


Embrace Data Sovereignty and Low Latency in Building a Trusted Data Lake with AWS Outposts and Talend

Globalization and digitalization require companies to comply with data protection rules in the limitless world of the internet. Meeting this challenge requires maximum data agility and availability along with minimal data latency. Integration with AWS Outposts makes Talend Data Fabric allows you to quickly integrate, clean, and move data from different sources with low-latency, and meet data sovereignty regulatory requirements for hybrid deployments.


Preventing Malware in Serverless Web Applications with SophosLabs Intelix

Building web applications in a serverless environment has brought many advantages, but with every big shift there are certain practices such as malware protection that need to be reinvented. Organizations need a solution that’s easy to query from web application via API with no infrastructure required. Learn how SophosLabs Intelix offers a suite of APIs which provide specific, actionable intelligence about files.

AWS to Offer Third-Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processor-Based Amazon EC2 Instances

AWS has collaborated with Intel over the past 15 years, the longest of any cloud vendor. The partnership has been focused on deep engineering collaboration and getting the most out of customized Intel technology to deliver great experiences for our customers. Later this year, AWS plans to further this collaboration with Intel to offer Amazon EC2 instances powered by the new third-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, which will deliver more performance and expand customer choice on EC2.


AWS to Offer Third-Generation AMD EPYC-Based Amazon EC2 Instances

As customers bring more and more workloads to AWS, they are seeking to optimize for different characteristics like compute performance, memory, or throughput. AMD-powered instances are integral to these offerings. Later this year, AWS plans to offer Amazon EC2 instances powered by the newly introduced third generation AMD EPYC processors. These instances will expand customer choice of compute options available on EC2.

Cloud Anything-9

Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using Amazon EKS

As more organizations make the move to a SaaS delivery model, many are choosing Amazon EKS as the target for their solutions. The programming model, cost efficiency, security, deployment, and operational attributes of Amazon EKS represent a compelling model for SaaS providers. Walk through the key architectural elements of a sample architecture, and learn how to isolate tenants within an EKS cluster, automate tenant onboarding, manage tenant identities, and support routing of tenant workloads.


How OpenText Documentum on AWS Maximizes the Value of Enterprise Information

Managing the lifecycle of structured data and unstructured content, while simultaneously providing efficient access to it, has never been more challenging. Locating accurate content for a specific task can be laborious and time-consuming if it lives in complex folder structures scattered across various silos. Learn how the combination of Documentum and AWS offers more secure, reliable, and compliant solutions to organizations looking to deploy information management workloads in the cloud.