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Category: Learning Levels


Migrating ETL Operations from SSIS Packages to AWS Lambda Functions

Many Windows solutions have used Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) as a method for performing ETL operations. Legacy SSIS packages that have been handed down to different developers over the years can be complex, cumbersome, and difficult to support. See an architecture and several techniques Cognizant uses to help clients with ETL operations based on legacy SSIS packaging move their applications to the AWS Cloud.

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Onboarding and Managing Agents in a SaaS Solution

SaaS products frequently use agents to gather data, execute actions, communicate with remote components, and run other product-related tasks in remote environments. These agents can be deployed in multiple forms and for multiple purposes. If you manage multi-tenant SaaS environments and use agents, you face some unique challenges. Implementing such a solution requires adequate design. This post focuses on the deployment and management of agents in a SaaS environment.


How SnapLogic eXtreme Helps Visualize Spark ETL Pipelines on Amazon EMR

Fully managed cloud services enable global enterprises to focus on strategic differentiators versus maintaining infrastructure. They do this by creating data lakes and performing big data processing in the cloud. SnapLogic eXtreme allows citizen integrators, those who can’t code, and data integrators to efficiently support and augment data-integration use cases by performing complex transformations on large volumes of data. Learn how to set up SnapLogic eXtreme and use Amazon EMR to do Amazon Redshift ETL.

Minimizing the PCI Compliance Burden Using Containerization, Microservices, and AWS

Leveraging cloud-based microservices is not a solution that works for everyone or every application, but it’s one more point in favor of transitioning legacy applications to microservices. If you’re already looking to re-architect, consider it an opportunity to spin out regulated data into separate containers. From there, it’s not much more effort to move those containers to AWS. Learn how AWS technologies can help organizations reduce their Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance burden.

How BriteCore Improved Security and Scalability by Migrating Insurance Workloads with AWS Landing Zone

BriteCore was originally designed as an on-premises data center-based monolith; a state-of-the-art core insurance solution. However, the business agility, cost savings, and increased security of the cloud made it clear the insurance industry had to migrate. Learn how BriteCore used AWS Landing Zone to deliver a modern administrative system for Property & Casualty insurance that could be more agile, scale better, and be more secure than on-premises infrastructure.


Implementing SAML AuthN for Amazon EMR Using Okta and Column-Level AuthZ with AWS Lake Formation

As organizations continue to build data lakes on AWS and adopt Amazon EMR, especially when consuming data at enterprise scale, it’s critical to govern your data lakes by establishing federated access and having fine-grained controls to access your data. Learn how to implement SAML-based authentication (AuthN) using Okta for Amazon EMR, querying data using Zeppelin notebooks, and applying column-level authorization (AuthZ) using AWS Lake Formation.


How Epsagon Increased Performance on AWS Lambda by 65% and Reduced Cost by 4x

Providing a better experience at lower cost is the desired result of any organization and product. In most cases, it requires software re-architecting, planning, infrastructure configurations, benchmarking, and more. Epsagon provides a solution for monitoring and troubleshooting modern applications running on AWS. Dive deep on some of the best practices Epsagon has developed to improve the performance and reduce the cost of using serverless environments.

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Quickly Build End-to-End Integrations to SaaS Partner Event Sources and AWS Services with Amazon EventBridge

AWS introduced Amazon EventBridge partner event source integrations to showcase reference architectures and end-to-end use cases that help you get started quickly with integrating SaaS partners in your own applications. Fully open source, these solutions include code and AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) templates that can be customized and extended to fit your application’s needs. The reference architectures include AWS Quick Starts and GitHub code to ease integration.


Measuring the Effectiveness of Personalization with Amplitude and Amazon Personalize

Companies attempting to deploy personalized customer experiences face many challenges. To do personalization well, you must understand the behavior of specific user segments and their affinities for specific products. However, you can’t uncover affinities and propensities without product analytics. Learn how to combine Amazon Personalize’s machine learning algorithms with Amplitude’s product intelligence platform to track user behavior in real-time.


Improving Data Extraction Processes Using Amazon Textract and Idexcel

Manually extracting data from multiple sources is repetitive, error-prone, and can create a bottleneck in the business process. Idexcel built a solution based on Amazon Textract that improves the accuracy of the data extraction process, reduces processing time, and boosts productivity to increase operational efficiencies. Learn how this approach can solidify your competitive edge, help you respond faster to market opportunities, and increase operational efficiency.