AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon Connect

How the TCS RemacX AI-Powered Customer Experience Collaboration Space Improves Your Contact Center Capabilities

Cloud-based contact centers that leverage AI for enhancing the customer experience are gaining wide acceptance. TCS RemacX is an AI-powered CX collaboration space that extends Amazon Connect’s out-of-the box capabilities. It provides ways for customers to get insurance quotes, for example, and assists customer with FAQs using Amazon Lex. It also supports proactive customer communication like automated reminders for payments due using Amazon Pinpoint, and video calling using Amazon Chime.


Building Personalized Customer Experiences Using Amazon Connect and Servion’s ServDesk

Servion started collaborating with AWS on hosting custom applications built for contact center customers. This helped Servion acquire knowledge of AWS services related to security, administration, load balancing, database, and networking. Learn how to build differential and personalized experiences using Amazon Connect contact flows, AWS Contact Center Intelligence (CCI) services, and ServDesk agent widgets.


Augment Your Contact Center Productivity with Cogito Dialog’s Integration with Amazon Connect

Cogito Dialog provides human-aware technology to help professionals elevate their performance. With Cogito’s AI, you can instantly analyze hundreds of conversational behaviors to provide live in-call guidance combined with a real-time measure of customer experience. This post highlights the features and benefits of Cogito Dialog’s integration with Amazon Connect, and explores how the two solutions coupled together provide a powerful start-to-finish solution for your call center.


Servicing Customers on Social Messenger Channels via Amazon Connect Chat

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center platform that helps enterprises provide superior customer service at a lower cost. TCS has built an adapter that can pick up the customer queries from social messenger channels and bring them into the web chat channel of Amazon Connect. This post describes the high-level architecture of the TCS solution, potential benefits, and ways to extend the solution to leverage other AWS services.


Building an Intelligent Contact Center with Zendesk and Amazon Connect

Zendesk and VoiceFoundry released the Amazon Connect app on the Zendesk Marketplace as part of a broader vision for the intelligent contact center of the future. The Amazon Connect app for Zendesk brings together a wide set of capabilities and unlocks endless possibilities for you to empower your agents and better engage your customers. By combining the powers of Amazon Connect and Zendesk, businesses can build a more intelligent contact center.


Transforming Eat-In Restaurant Margarita’s to a Successful Delivery, Carry-Out Business Using Amazon Connect

Due to lockdown restrictions, the global COVID-19 pandemic brought an unprecedented challenge to small, eat-in restaurants. Learn how Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant, a family-owned eat-in based in Justin, Texas, teamed up with BizCloud Experts to implement an Amazon Connect contact center solution that transformed restaurant staff into Amazon Connect agents. Within 48 hours, Margarita’s was handling its carry out and delivery business much more efficiently.


Intelligent Case Management Using Amazon Connect and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

There is a flurry of contact center solutions being brought to market, but enterprise customers often find these solutions time-consuming, cost-intensive, and difficult to implement. Learn how to integrate an Amazon Connect instance with Salesforce Service Cloud to automatically create a case in Salesforce using REST APIs and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This allows you to proactively handles call drops occurring for customers when they dial into a contact center solution.


Intelligent Call Routing Using Amazon Fraud Detector and Amazon Connect

Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that makes it easy to identify potentially fraudulent online activities, such as online payment fraud and the creation of fake accounts. Learn how APN Premier Consulting Partner TCS has been integrating Amazon Fraud Detector to detect spam calls and route them efficiently using Amazon Connect. Used together, these AWS services can distinguish your genuine customers from spam or fraudulent callers.

Cloud Anything-6

APN Partners Can Help You Get Started with AWS Remote Work Resources

AWS has resources and tools to make remote work easier for customers during this unprecedented time. AWS solutions include remote desktops and applications, tools for communication and collaboration, and contact center solutions. AWS contact center solutions and remote desktop and application services can be deployed quickly and scale globally with the help of APN Partners. Learn about the trusted partners in our Amazon Connect Service Delivery Program and AWS End User Computing (EUC) Competency Program.

Building a Cloud-Based Contact Center with Amazon Connect Service Delivery Partners

Amazon Connect is a self-service, cloud-based contact center service that makes it easy for any business to deliver better customer service at lower cost. It’s based on the same contact center technology used by 70,000 Amazon customer service associates around the world to power millions of customer conversations. Amazon Connect Service Delivery Partners can help you identify business objectives and design contact center solutions that are optimized for cost, reliability, security, performance, and scalability.