AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon Resource Name


Using Amazon OpenSearch Service with Serverless Alfresco Content Services

Hyland Software’s Alfresco Content Services 7.3 enables enterprises to deliver open, flexible, and highly scalable solutions by providing capabilities for full-featured enterprise content services. Explore a simplistic deployment to show the ease in which Amazon OpenSearch Service is used with Alfresco Content Services and Alfresco Search Enterprise running in Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate. Production-grade deployments that require high availability and durability can be guided by this post.


Securely Using External ID for Accessing AWS Accounts Owned by Others

It’s often required for a partner solution running on Amazon Web Services to access AWS accounts owned by their customers (third-party AWS accounts). This kind of access is known as cross-account access. In such scenarios, a cross-account AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with external ID should be used. Explore the best practices for using external ID to avoid the confused deputy problem it is designed to solve.


Strengthening Cloud Governance and Optimizing FinOps with LTI Infinity Ensure

As customers continue to accelerate business transformation by moving to the cloud, the need for a more self-reliant and integrated cloud governance framework with enhanced security and compliance, cost management, and reporting and analytics, is on the rise. Learn how Infinity Ensure can help enterprises optimize cloud governance with continuous monitoring and tracking, and get recommendations to keep up with cloud innovations.


Implementing SaaS Tenant Isolation Using Amazon SageMaker Endpoints and IAM

As multi-tenant SaaS providers look to leverage machine learning services, they must consider how they’ll protect the data that flows in and out of these services from different tenants. Learn how tenant isolation of machine learning services can be achieved using AWS IAM, and how the integration between IAM, Amazon SageMaker, and many other AWS services provide developers with a rich set of mechanisms that can be applied to realize tenant isolation goals.


Fully Managed Data Governance with Amazon EMR Integration with Apache Ranger and Privacera

Privacera is an AWS Partner that provides security and privacy tools for enterprises to secure and govern user access to databases and datastores in the cloud. PrivaceraCloud reduces the burden of self-managing Apache Ranger by providing Ranger as a hosted service. It provides centralized management of data access, authorization policies, and auditing. Learn how Amazon EMR can integrate with PrivaceraCloud to provide a fully-managed data governance solution.


Augment Your Contact Center Productivity with Cogito Dialog’s Integration with Amazon Connect

Cogito Dialog provides human-aware technology to help professionals elevate their performance. With Cogito’s AI, you can instantly analyze hundreds of conversational behaviors to provide live in-call guidance combined with a real-time measure of customer experience. This post highlights the features and benefits of Cogito Dialog’s integration with Amazon Connect, and explores how the two solutions coupled together provide a powerful start-to-finish solution for your call center.

VMware Cloud on AWS-dark

Design Considerations Using VPC Endpoints for Amazon S3 with VMware Cloud on AWS

With the general availability of AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 released earlier this year, customers can take advantage of private connectivity between S3 and on-premises resources using private IPs from your virtual network. Learn how to leverage interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) for Amazon S3 and its integrations with VMware Cloud on AWS, which brings VMware’s enterprise-class software-defined data center software to the AWS Cloud.


How to Get Logs from Amazon S3 Using Filebeat and Metricbeat in Elastic Stack

When you use Amazon S3 to store corporate data and host websites, you need additional logging to monitor access to your data and the performance of your applications. An effective logging solution enhances security and improves detection of security incidents. Learn how to use the Elastic Beats to extract logs stored in S3 buckets that can be indexed, analyzed, and visualized with the Elastic Stack. Elastic is an AWS ISV Partner that helps you find information, gain insights, and protect your data when you run on AWS.

Top Recommendations for Working with IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 4: Available Permissions and User Identity

When it debuted 10 years ago, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) supported15 services. Today, it’s woven into the core of everything in the AWS Cloud. Check out the fourth and final blog post celebrating IAM‘s 10th anniversary. Dive deep on the Service Authorization Reference, a comprehensive list of all the permissions in AWS, and explore the AWS CloudTrail userIdentity element that keeps track of who did what.

Top Recommendations for IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 2: The Visual Editor and Federation

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)‘s 10th anniversary continues with Part 2 of our blog series. Writing an IAM policy can be tricky, but don’t feel overwhelmed. Learn how the IAM visual editor helps you create policies by providing helpful documentation and the correct syntax. You’ll also learn why you should use federation due to the short-term credentials made possible by IAM roles. More tips like these can be found throughout our 4-part blog series.