AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon S3


Using Terraform to Manage AWS Programmable Infrastructures

Terraform and AWS CloudFormation allow you to express infrastructure resources as code and manage them programmatically. Each has its advantages, but some enterprises already have expertise in Terraform and prefer using it to manage their AWS resources. To accommodate that preference, CloudFormation allows you to use non-AWS resources to manage AWS infrastructure. Learn the steps to create a CloudFormation registry resource type for Terraform and deploy it as an AWS Service Catalog product.


Using GitLab CI/CD Pipeline to Deploy AWS SAM Applications

In order to deliver serverless applications, customers often turn to DevOps principles to efficiently build, deploy, operate, and iterate on features and changes. CI/CD is one of the major components of DevOps that helps deliver code faster and more reliably to production. GitLab’s continuous integration offering provides a rich set of features for automating how new code is incorporated into your software and how new versions of your software get built and deployed.


Optimizing Presto SQL on Amazon EMR to Deliver Faster Query Processing

Seagate asked Mactores Cognition to evaluate and deliver an alternative data platform to process petabytes of data with consistent performance. It needed to lower query processing time and total cost of ownership, and provide the scalability required to support about 2,000 daily users. Learn about the the three migration options Mactores tested and the architecture of the solution Seagate selected. This effort improved the overall efficiency of Seagate’s Amazon EMR cluster and business operations.


Developing Payment Card Industry Compliant Solutions on AWS to Protect Customer Data

Financial institutions possess and process data that are very sensitive and have immense business value. In recent years, regulations like open banking and data residency law have forced organizations to be even more adaptive to frequent challenges to systems storing and processing the data. Explore how Capgemini developed an application to address this customer challenge and learn how the approach helped worldwide credit card provider comply with PCI DSS security standards.

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How to Use Amazon SageMaker to Improve Machine Learning Models for Data Analysis

Amazon SageMaker provides all the components needed for machine learning in a single toolset. This allows ML models to get to production faster with much less effort and at lower cost. Learn about the data modeling process used by BizCloud Experts and the results they achieved for Neiman Marcus. Amazon SageMaker was employed to help develop and train ML algorithms for recommendation, personalization, and forecasting models that Neiman Marcus uses for data analysis and customer insights.


In-Depth Strategies for Building a Scalable, Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution with Amazon Redshift

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) presents developers and architects with a unique set of challenges. One essential decision you’ll have to make is how to partition data for each tenant of your system. Learn how to harness Amazon Redshift to build a scalable, multi-tenant SaaS solution on AWS. This post explores trategies that are commonly used to partition and isolate tenant data in a SaaS environment, and how to apply them in Amazon Redshift.


Accelerating Apache and Hadoop Migrations with Cazena’s Data Lake as a Service on AWS

Running Hadoop, Spark, and related technologies in the cloud provides the flexibility required by these distributed systems. Cazena provides a production-ready, continuously optimized and secured Data Lake as a Service with multiple features that enables migration of Hadoop and Spark analytics workloads to AWS without the need for specialized skills. Learn how Cazena makes it easy to migrate to AWS while ensuring your data is as secure on the cloud as it is on-premises.

Optimizing Customer Experiences for Speed Using AWS and Crownpeak

One of the biggest obstacles for brands today is improving the performance of their digital properties. While much of today’s marketing technologies leverage modern advances in cloud computing, many of the technologies powering digital properties (web and mobile sites) still use the prior generation of server-based technologies. Learn how to modernize your digital technology stack with Crownpeak to optimize customer experiences for speed, and ultimately improve performance for your brand.


Protecting Your Amazon EBS Volumes at Scale with Clumio

Many AWS customers who use Amazon EBS to store persistent data need to back up that data, sometimes for long periods of time. Clumio’s SaaS solution protects Amazon EBS volumes from multiple AWS accounts though a single policy via tagging. Amazon EBS backups by Clumio are securely stored outside of your AWS account in the Clumio service built on AWS, which is protected by end-to-end encryption and stored in an immutable format.

How Steamhaus Used AWS Well-Architected to Improve Sperry Rail’s Artificial Intelligence System

Over two days, Steamhaus conducted an AWS Well-Architected Review on-site with the team who designed, built, and currently manage Elmer at Sperry Rail. Elmer uses machine intelligence to inspect thousands of miles of ultrasound scans collected by Sperry’s inspection vehicles, searching for evidence of cracks in the rail. This partnership allowed quick improvements in efficiency, while ensuring the requirements of running the business day-to-day did not get in the way of improving Elmer.