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Tag: AWS Partner Success Stories

­­­­­­­How DataArt Helped Inchcape Shipping Services to Revolutionize Document Processing on AWS

The main thing that all interested parties need when a vessel is in port—and this has never changed—is information. Learn how Inchcape, a global organization and leader in ships agency and maritime services that covers around 2,500 ports, teamed up with DataArt to reimagine its core operational platform, Optic, as a bespoke .NET Core-based microservices solution. Optic builds trust through transparency of the vessel program, real-time updates, and standardized workflow and data across all port calls and locations.


SafetyVisor: Protecting Against COVID-19 with Computer Vision and AWS

To help safeguard workplaces from the pandemic, TensorIoT developed SafetyVisor, a suite of machine learning tools that can operate independently or in tandem with existing business infrastructure to monitor safety gear usage (like masks) and social distancing. SafetyVisor’s computer vision models are designed to work with your existing cameras, and the entire solution is built utilizing a flexible architecture to facilitate easy deployment and use.


How OpenText Documentum on AWS Maximizes the Value of Enterprise Information

Managing the lifecycle of structured data and unstructured content, while simultaneously providing efficient access to it, has never been more challenging. Locating accurate content for a specific task can be laborious and time-consuming if it lives in complex folder structures scattered across various silos. Learn how the combination of Documentum and AWS offers more secure, reliable, and compliant solutions to organizations looking to deploy information management workloads in the cloud.

How to Automate Cost and Performance Improvement Through gp3 Upgrades Using AWS Systems Manager

Automatically identifying and upgrading existing SSD volumes to take advantage of the new gp3 general purpose volumes for Amazon EBS can help organizations reduce storage costs. Learn how to upgrade your existing gp2 volumes, without interruption, to the next generation of general purpose SSD volumes using AWS Systems Manager. This a core component of nubeGo’s Cloud Managed Service (NCMS) which helps customers automate cost savings, security guardrails, and compliance requirements with minimal effort.


Cloud Posture and Threat Analytics with Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

As organizations continue to adopt AWS, their risk footprint increases from both an infrastructure and network perspective as it relates to compliance posturing, configuration risk, and network threats. Explore the integration between AWS and Secure Cloud Analytics, a SaaS-delivered Network Detection (NDR) offering from Cisco that monitors multi-cloud and hybrid environments for threats and policy violations and provides comprehensive visibility for any environment.

Creating an Equitable Enterprise AWS Chargeback Model Using CloudHealth

Most enterprises go through the process of monthly chargeback (cost allocation) of their AWS costs to internal business units or cost centers. The AWS Cost and Usage Report can provide the flexibility needed to create detailed custom billing rules. Learn how VMware implemented an equitable chargeback model using CloudHealth’s FlexReports, a simple solution for companies that have multiple Payers or just want to implement custom billing rules quickly.


Delivering 4K Live Streaming with Automated Provisioning Using AWS Media Services

Until now, 4K media service has been adopted by only a few providers and was limited in use from the lack of sufficient infrastructure and network services. However, with advances in telecommunications and devices ushering in the 5G era, the barriers to using 4K have been brought down. Learn how MegazoneCloud helps broadcasters implement high-quality live streaming services, with AWS Media Services driving new customer experience in an agile, automated, and cost-effective manner.

Computer Vision at Scale with Dask and PyTorch on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Saturn Cloud is a data science and machine learning platform for Python. Its multi-node, multi-GPU computing enables 100x faster workflows, reducing the time to business value. Saturn Cloud is compatible with the entire Python ecosystem and a variety of tools, which makes workflows customizable and the computing experience highly flexible for a range of setups and preferences. In a recent release, Saturn Cloud added Amazon EC2 Spot compatibility.

Simplified Cloud Database Management Using Couchbase Cloud and AWS

Couchbase NoSQL database admins have been using AWS to host clusters for many years. Couchbase Cloud provides customers access to sophisticated management software that allows them to co-manage their NoSQL cloud database directly inside their AWS-powered infrastructure. Learn how Couchbase leverages the underlying cloud resources, and explore graphical examples of key features from the web-based control plane to demonstrate how easy it is to use.

Helping a Pharmaceutical Company Drive Business Insights Using ZS Accelerators on Amazon Redshift

With increasing data variety and volumes, it’s become increasingly necessary to ensure all of an organization’s workloads run in the most efficient manner to reduce overall turn-around time and TCO. Get an overview of the data and analytics platform ZS built to streamline and improve contracting analytics for a top life sciences company. Then, dive deep into the data architecture and learn how ZS evolved its data technology stack to get maximum performance.