AWS Marketplace

Category: Compute

Automating of PPE compliance monitoring with Machine Learning

How to automate Personal Protective Equipment monitoring for healthcare and life science workplaces

By guest authors Anton Chudaev, DevOps Competence Manager at VITech, Yevheniia Minaieva, Product marketing lead at VITech Lab, and Dmitry Spodarets, Head of VITech Lab When managing Personal Protective Equipment (PPЕ) compliance, temporary absence of safety engineers and human fatigue can lead to unnoticed safety rule breaches. VITech Lab offers a solution to help healthcare […]

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKA and AWS Fargate

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate

Metered pricing in AWS Marketplace AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software solutions from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). It makes it easy for AWS customers to find, test, buy and deploy software in minutes on AWS. By listing your software in AWS Marketplace, you can reach a worldwide target audience while reducing […]

healthcare during a pandemic

Using machine learning to support healthcare during a pandemic

This post describes winning solutions from the AWS Marketplace Machine Learning Challenge hackathon. Other winners created solutions using machine learning to stay connected and to automate tasks and increase personalization. Introduction The AWS Marketplace Machine Learning (ML) team recently hosted a ML hackathon on The DevPost Platform, AWS Marketplace Developer Challenge: ML-Powered Solutions. A hackathon […]

AWS Marketplace sessions reInvent 2019

December 5: AWS Marketplace sessions today at re:Invent

Here are your AWS Marketplace sessions for December 5. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, time, and venue for your session! You can also get demos and education from 11 sellers (rotating daily) in the AWS Partner Solutions Experience in the southwest corner of the Venetian expo hall. Follow AWS […]

CloudEndure architecture diagram

Automate AWS account provisioning and server migration using AWS Service Catalog and CloudEndure from AWS Marketplace

If you’re involved in a migration project for your company that is moving to the AWS Cloud, you’ll likely go through a variety of stages, such as migration preparation, portfolio discovery, planning, and design. In most cases, the rubber hits the road after these stages, and you begin migrating your physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructur­­­­­e […]

OpenVPN settings AWS Marketplace

Setting up OpenVPN Access Server in Amazon VPC

As you bring more workloads on to AWS, you sometimes need to serve private content without publicly exposing services on the internet. For example, internal portals for employees typically need to be accessible only via a private network. A common solution is setting up a remote-access virtual private network (VPN), which enables users to directly […]

ClougFormation AWS Marketplace AMI reference architecture

CloudFormation Templates 101 for Sellers in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog that enables qualified Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to market software solutions and makes it easy for AWS customers to find, buy, and deploy software on AWS. In this post, I will explain a use case where CloudFormation template is a better fit than a Single-AMI solution, and then I […]

securing aws marketplace ami

Securing access to AMIs in AWS Marketplace

Update on 4/20/2020:  In addition to this blog, AWS Marketplace released Private Marketplace feature that lets administrators create a curated list of products authorized users can purchase from. For more information, see documentation and blogs.  Update on 1/20/2021:  In addition to this blog, you can use managed entitlements, a new feature of AWS License Manager […]

Golden AMI pipeline

Announcing the Golden AMI Pipeline

Updated 1/9/2020 On 12/1/2019, AWS released EC2 Image Builder, which simplifies the creation, maintenance, validation, sharing, and deployment of Linux or Windows Server images. We now recommend AWS customers use EC2 Image Builder to manage your golden images. Find out more about EC2 Image Builder here, and read this blog post Automate OS image build […]

AWS Service Catalog case study 3M HIS

How 3M HIS Uses AWS Service Catalog to Flatten the Learning Curve for Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery (CD) has many advantages: faster build/test/deploy cycles, less manual work for developers, higher quality software, and more reliable updates. So why doesn’t everyone work this way? One reason is that the path to implementation can be bumpy. Particularly for large enterprises, there can be a steep learning curve—especially when teams are expected to […]