AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)

Non-JSON ingestion using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon MSK, and Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion

Organizations are grappling with the ever-expanding spectrum of data formats in today’s data-driven landscape. From Avro’s binary serialization to the efficient and compact structure of Protobuf, the landscape of data formats has expanded far beyond the traditional realms of CSV and JSON. As organizations strive to derive insights from these diverse data streams, the challenge […]

Architecture Diagram

Build event-driven architectures with Amazon MSK and Amazon EventBridge

Based on immutable facts (events), event-driven architectures (EDAs) allow businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers’ behavior, unlocking more accurate and faster decision-making processes that lead to better customer experiences. In EDAs, modern event brokers, such as Amazon EventBridge and Apache Kafka, play a key role to publish and subscribe to events. EventBridge is […]

Stitch Fix seamless migration: Transitioning from self-managed Kafka to Amazon MSK

Stitch Fix is a personalized clothing styling service for men, women, and kids. In this post, we will describe how and why we decided to migrate from self-managed Kafka to Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK).

Externalize Amazon MSK Connect configurations with Terraform

Managing configurations for Amazon MSK Connect, a feature of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), can become challenging, especially as the number of topics and configurations grows. In this post, we address this complexity by using Terraform to optimize the configuration of the Kafka topic to Amazon S3 Sink connector. By adopting this […]

Securely process near-real-time data from Amazon MSK Serverless using an AWS Glue streaming ETL job with IAM authentication

Streaming data has become an indispensable resource for organizations worldwide because it offers real-time insights that are crucial for data analytics. The escalating velocity and magnitude of collected data has created a demand for real-time analytics. This data originates from diverse sources, including social media, sensors, logs, and clickstreams, among others. With streaming data, organizations […]

Build streaming data pipelines with Amazon MSK Serverless and IAM authentication

Amazon’s serverless Apache Kafka offering, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) Serverless, is attracting a lot of interest. It’s appreciated for its user-friendly approach, ability to scale automatically, and cost-saving benefits over other Kafka solutions. However, a hurdle encountered by many users is the requirement of MSK Serverless to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) access control. At the time of writing, the Amazon MSK library for IAM is exclusive to Kafka libraries in Java, creating a challenge for users of other programming languages. In this post, we aim to address this issue and present how you can use Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to navigate around this obstacle.

Introducing Amazon MSK as a source for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Ingesting a high volume of streaming data has been a defining characteristic of operational analytics workloads with Amazon OpenSearch Service. Many of these workloads involve either self-managed Apache Kafka or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) to satisfy their data streaming needs. Consuming data from Amazon MSK and writing to OpenSearch Service has been a challenge for customers. AWS Lambda, custom code, Kafka Connect, and Logstash have been used for ingesting this data. These methods involve tools that must be built and maintained. In this post, we introduce Amazon MSK as a source to Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion, a serverless, fully managed, real-time data collector for OpenSearch Service that makes this ingestion even easier.

Orca Security’s journey to a petabyte-scale data lake with Apache Iceberg and AWS Analytics

This post is co-written with Eliad Gat and Oded Lifshiz from Orca Security. With data becoming the driving force behind many industries today, having a modern data architecture is pivotal for organizations to be successful. One key component that plays a central role in modern data architectures is the data lake, which allows organizations to […]

Multi-tenancy Apache Kafka clusters in Amazon MSK with IAM access control and Kafka Quotas – Part 1

With Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), you can build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. To process streaming data, organizations either use multiple Kafka clusters based on their application groupings, usage scenarios, compliance requirements, and other factors, or a dedicated Kafka cluster for the entire organization. It […]

Multi-tenancy Apache Kafka clusters in Amazon MSK with IAM access control and Kafka quotas – Part 2

Kafka quotas are integral to multi-tenant Kafka clusters. They prevent Kafka cluster performance from being negatively affected by poorly behaved applications overconsuming cluster resources. Furthermore, they enable the central streaming data platform to be operated as a multi-tenant platform and used by downstream and upstream applications across multiple business lines. Kafka supports two types of quotas: […]