AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Analytics

Enforce column-level authorization with Amazon QuickSight and AWS Lake Formation

Amazon QuickSight is a fast, cloud-powered, business intelligence service that makes it easy to deliver insights and integrates seamlessly with your data lake built on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). QuickSight users in your organization often need access to only a subset of columns for compliance and security reasons. Without having a proper solution […]

How Wind Mobility built a serverless data architecture

We parse through millions of scooter and user events generated daily (over 300 events per second) to extract actionable insight. We selected AWS Glue to perform this task. Our primary ETL job reads the newly added raw event data from Amazon S3, processes it using Apache Spark, and writes the results to our Amazon Redshift data warehouse. AWS Glue plays a critical role in our ability to scale on demand. After careful evaluation and testing, we concluded that AWS Glue ETL jobs meet all our needs and free us from procuring and managing infrastructure.

Streaming web content with a log-based architecture with Amazon MSK

Content, such as breaking news or sports scores, requires updates in near-real-time. To stay up to date, you may be constantly refreshing your browser or mobile app. Building APIs to deliver this content at speed and scale can be challenging. In this post, I present an alternative to an API-based approach. I outline the concept […]

Process data with varying data ingestion frequencies using AWS Glue job bookmarks

We often have data processing requirements in which we need to merge multiple datasets with varying data ingestion frequencies. Some of these datasets are ingested one time in full, received infrequently, and always used in their entirety, whereas other datasets are incremental, received at certain intervals, and joined with the full datasets to generate output. To address this requirement, this post demonstrates how to build an extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipeline using AWS Glue.

Extend your Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse to your Data Lake

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, cloud-native data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence tools. Many companies today are using Amazon Redshift to analyze data and perform various transformations on the data. However, as data continues to grow and become […]

Access web interfaces securely on Amazon EMR launched in a private subnet using an Application Load Balancer

Amazon EMR web interfaces are hosted on the master node of an EMR cluster. When you launch an EMR cluster in a private subnet, the EMR master node doesn’t have a public DNS record. The web interfaces hosted in a private subnet aren’t easily accessible outside the subnet. You can use an Application Load Balancer (ALB), launched in a public subnet, as an HTTPS proxy to access EMR web interfaces over the internet without requiring SSH tunneling through a bastion host. This approach greatly simplifies accessing EMR web interfaces. This post outlines how to use an ALB to securely access EMR web interfaces over the internet for an EMR cluster launched in a private subnet.

Best practices for Amazon Redshift Federated Query

This post discusses 10 best practices to help you maximize the benefits of Federated Query when you have large federated data sets, when your federated queries retrieve large volumes of data, or when you have many Redshift users accessing federated data sets. These techniques are not necessary for general usage of Federated Query. They are intended for advanced users who want to make the most of this exciting feature.

Analyzing Google Analytics data with Amazon AppFlow and Amazon Athena

This post demonstrates how you can transfer Google Analytics data to Amazon S3 using Amazon AppFlow, and analyze it with Amazon Athena. You no longer need to build your own application to extract data from Google Analytics and other SaaS applications. Amazon AppFlow enables you to develop a fully automated data transfer and transformation workflow and an integrated query environment in one place.

Setting up trust between ADFS and AWS and using Active Directory credentials to connect to Amazon Athena with ODBC driver

This post walks you through configuring ADFS 3.0 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance and setting up trust between ADFS 3.0 IdP and AWS through SAML 2.0. The post then demonstrates how to install the Athena OBDC driver on Amazon Linux EC2 instance (RHEL instance) and configure it to use ADFS for authentication.