AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Analytics

Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query

April 2024: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Organizations today use data stores that are the best fit for the applications they build. For example, for an organization building a social network, a graph database such as Amazon Neptune is likely the best fit when compared to a relational database. Similarly, for workloads that require […]

Simplify ETL data pipelines using Amazon Athena’s federated queries and user-defined functions

Amazon Athena recently added support for federated queries and user-defined functions (UDFs), both in Preview. See Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query for more details. Jornaya helps marketers intelligently connect consumers who are in the market for major life purchases such as homes, mortgages, cars, insurance, and education. Jornaya collects data […]

Highlight Critical Insights with Conditional Formatting in Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight now makes it easier for you to spot the highlights or low-lights in data through conditional formatting. With conditional formatting, you can specify customized text or background colors based on field values in the dataset, using solid or gradient colors. You can also display data values with the supported icons. Using color coding and […]

Evolve your analytics with Amazon QuickSight’s new APIs and theming capabilities

The Amazon QuickSight team is excited to announce the availability of Themes and more APIs! Themes for dashboards let you align the look and feel of Amazon QuickSight dashboards with your application’s branding or corporate themes. The new APIs added allow you to manage your Amazon QuickSight deployments programmatically, with support for dashboards, datasets, data sources, SPICE ingestion, and fine-grained access control over AWS resources. Together, they allow you to creatively tailor Amazon QuickSight to your audiences, whether you are using Amazon QuickSight to provide your users with an embedded analytics experience or for your corporate Business Intelligence (BI) needs. This post provides an overview of these new capabilities and details on getting started.

Provisioning the Intuit Data Lake with Amazon EMR, Amazon SageMaker, and AWS Service Catalog

This post outlines the approach taken by Intuit, though it is important to remember that there are many ways to build a data lake (for example, AWS Lake Formation). We’ll cover the technologies and processes involved in creating the Intuit Data Lake at a high level, including the overall structure and the automation used in provisioning accounts and resources. Watch this space in the future for more detailed blog posts on specific aspects of the system, from the other teams and engineers who worked together to build the Intuit Data Lake.

Amazon EMR introduces EMR runtime for Apache Spark

Amazon EMR is happy to announce Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark, a performance-optimized runtime environment for Apache Spark that is active by default on Amazon EMR clusters. EMR runtime for Spark is up to 32 times faster than EMR 5.16, with 100% API compatibility with open-source Spark. This means that your workloads run faster, […]

Simplify management of Amazon Redshift clusters with the Redshift console

Amazon Redshift is the most popular and the fastest cloud data warehouse. It includes a console for administrators to create, configure, and manage Amazon Redshift clusters. The new Amazon Redshift console modernizes the user interface and adds several features to improve managing your clusters and workloads running on clusters. The new Amazon Redshift console provides visibility to the health and performance of clusters from a unified dashboard, simplified management of clusters by streamlining several screens and flows, improved mean-time-to-diagnose query performance issues by adding capabilities to monitor user queries and correlate with cluster performance metrics, as well as the ability for non-admin users to use Query Editor.

Publish and update data products dynamically with AWS Data Exchange

Updated June, 2022. We’ve enhanced the “Publishing new data files to the product automatically” section of this blog post via Publisher Coordinator. Please refer to this solution when needing to automate the import of new files to an existing dataset. Data is revolutionizing the way organizations of all sizes conduct their business. Companies are increasingly […]

Find and acquire new data sets and retrieve new updates automatically using AWS Data Exchange

AWS Data Exchange makes it simple to exchange data in the cloud. In a few minutes, you can find and subscribe to hundreds of data products from more than 80 qualified data providers across industries such as Financial Services, Healthcare and Life Sciences, and Consumer and Retail. After subscribing, you can download data sets or copy them to Amazon S3 and analyze them with AWS’s analytics and machine learning services. With AWS Data Exchange, you can subscribe to data products and get access to data sets. Subscribers also access new data set revisions as providers publish new data.

Enhancing dashboard interactivity with Amazon QuickSight Actions

Amazon QuickSight now offers enhanced dashboard interactivity capabilities through QuickSight Actions. QuickSight Actions provide advanced filtering capabilities through single point-and-click actions on dashboards. With Actions, you can link visuals within a dashboard so that selecting a dimensional point on one visual provides you with granular insights on the selected point on other visuals within your dashboard. Therefore, you can start with summaries and dive deep into details of your business metrics, all within the same dashboard sheet. You can define what visuals within your dashboard are interactive and how these interact with each other. As of this writing, QuickSight Actions lets you define two primary actions of interactivity: filter actions and URL actions. URL actions within Amazon QuickSight are not new, but the point of entry to create URL actions is now consolidated with Actions.