AWS Compute Blog

Category: Migration & Transfer Services

Architecture highlighting nearly continuous, real-time data replication from on-premises to AWS Outposts.

Architecting for DR on AWS Outposts with CloudEndure

April 19, 2024: This post is considered deprecated. Updated guidance can be found at Architecting for Disaster Recovery on AWS Outposts Racks with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. This post is written by Scott Howe – Sr. Secure Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect and Schneider Larbi – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect (VMware & Outposts) AWS Outposts is a […]

Migrating a SharePoint application using the AWS Server Migration Service

This post is contributed by Ashwini Rudra, Solutions Architect; Rajesh Rathod, Sr. Product Manager; Vivek Chawda, Senior Software Engineer, EC2 Enterprise Many AWS customers are migrating on-premises SharePoint workloads to AWS for greater reliability, faster performance, and lower costs. While planning the migration, customers are looking for tools and methodologies that reduce the time to […]

Use MAP for Windows to Simplify your Migration to AWS

There’s no question that organizations today are being disrupted in their industry. In a previous blog post, I shared that such disruption often accelerates organizations’ decisions to move to the cloud. When these organizations migrate to the cloud, Windows workloads are often critical to their business and these workloads require a performant, reliable, and secure […]

Automating your lift-and-shift migration at no cost with CloudEndure Migration

This post is courtesy of Gonen Stein, Head of Product Strategy, CloudEndure  Acquired by AWS in January 2019, CloudEndure offers a highly automated migration tool to simplify and expedite rehost (lift-and-shift) migrations. AWS recently announced that CloudEndure Migration is now available to all customers and partners at no charge. Each free CloudEndure Migration license provides 90 […]

Learn about hourly-replication in Server Migration Service and the ability to migrate large data volumes

This post courtesy of Shane Baldacchino, AWS Solutions Architect AWS Server Migration Service (AWS SMS) is an agentless service that makes it easier and faster for you to migrate thousands of on-premises workloads to AWS. AWS SMS allows you to automate, schedule, and track incremental replications of live server volumes, making it easier for you […]

Migrating a multi-tier application from a Microsoft Hyper-V environment using AWS SMS and AWS Migration Hub

This post courtesy of Shane Baldacchino, AWS Solutions Architect Many customers ask for guidance to migrate end-to-end solutions running in their on-premises data center to AWS. This post provides an overview of moving a common blogging platform, WordPress, running on an on-premises virtualized Microsoft Hyper-V platform to AWS, including re-pointing the DNS records associated to […]

Amazon MQ

Measuring the throughput for Amazon MQ using the JMS Benchmark

This post is courtesy of Trevor Dyck, Sr. Product Manager, AWS Messaging, and Alan Protasio, Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services Just like compute and storage, messaging is a fundamental building block of enterprise applications. Message brokers (aka “message-oriented middleware”) enable different software systems, often written in different languages, on different platforms, running in different […]

Integrating Amazon MQ with other AWS services via Apache Camel

This post courtesy of Massimiliano Angelino, AWS Solutions Architect Different enterprise systems—ERP, CRM, BI, HR, etc.—need to exchange information but normally cannot do that natively because they are from different vendors. Enterprises have tried multiple ways to integrate heterogeneous systems, generally referred to as enterprise application integration (EAI). Modern EAI systems are based on a […]

Running ActiveMQ in a Hybrid Cloud Environment with Amazon MQ

This post courtesy of Greg Share, AWS Solutions Architect Many organizations, particularly enterprises, rely on message brokers to connect and coordinate different systems. Message brokers enable distributed applications to communicate with one another, serving as the technological backbone for their IT environment, and ultimately their business services. Applications depend on messaging to work. In many […]