AWS for Industries

Category: Amazon Lex

Businessman and businesswoman wearing face mask meeting during airline flight status

Airports Want to Innovate Faster

I’m fortunate to regularly speak with airport industry leaders. From my conversations with CEOs, as well as commercial, operations, and technology leaders, I’ve noticed a common theme. They are optimistic that the travel industry will continue recovering, and their priority is to improve revenues and the passenger experience. This isn’t surprising given how the industry […]


How Airports Can Innovate by Obsessing over Passenger Experience

Amazon’s culture of customer obsession and AWS Cloud technology can help airports build what’s next in travel. I recently joined Amazon Web Services (AWS) to lead the worldwide airport industry segment. I’ve worked in airport technology for more than 20 years and I’ve seen airports use new technologies to continuously improve and increase capacity. As a […]

Amazon Alexa dimmt das Licht

Reimagining the Restaurant Industry Through Conversational AI

The restaurant industry faced severe challenges during the pandemic. In the United States alone, 110,000 establishments closed. Nearly 2.5 million jobs were erased from pre-pandemic levels. According to the National Restaurant Association sales dropped by $240 billion from an expected $899 billion. Restaurant brands are taking action to preserve their business, improve customer loyalty, and […]

Amazon Lex provides automatic speech recognition and natural language

FSI Service Spotlight: Amazon Lex

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a monthly series for Financial Services Industry Service Spotlight. Read Part 4 featuring Amazon Transcribe Read Part 3 featuring Amazon Textract Read Part 2 discussing Amazon Comprehend Read Part 1 highlighting Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances — Welcome to another edition of the Service Spotlight blog series. In this […]

Adaptive Analytics in Retail: Influencing Shopper Behaviors and Engagement

No retailer would ever question the importance of data in daily operations. The evolution of operational data in retail decision making—from batch reporting to decision support to business intelligence systems—has been quite profound. Today, adaptive analytic platforms are driving industry innovation so retailers can: Detect critical business signals. Derive the current meaning and predictive insights […]

Multichannel customer engagement for financial services on AWS

Financial services organizations are facing challenges around loyalty, persistent churn, fragmented attention, and driving organic growth. There are external factors contributing to these challenges, such as the widespread adoption of mobile services, new digital native market entrants, adapting to generational shifts, and critical industry requirements around compliance and regulations that makes cumbersome to provide innovation […]

Preparing restaurant, catering, and food service companies for the California Consumer Privacy Act

Notice: Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this blog post. This post: (a) is for informational purposes only and nothing in this post constitutes (or is intended to constitute) legal guidance or advice with respect to the matters set forth herein, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and […]

Building multilingual SMS chatbot campaigns to support COVID-19 patients remotely

The expansion of laboratory tests for COVID-19 have provided health systems with tools to screen for the coronavirus in their community. While some patients have tested positive for COVID-19 and were well enough to manage their symptoms and recover at home, healthcare providers have been challenged with identifying individuals who have waited longer than advisable […]

Planning for recovery: 5 trends to watch in travel and hospitality’s new normal

Previously, we have discussed how organizations have been stabilizing operations by aggressively optimizing costs, leveraging technology to support remote working, contact centers and ensuring both workforces and customers are safe. This is a complex and involved situation: ensuring maintaining a viable business, whilst balancing people and services, especially without a clear view of how and […]

The future of air travel retailing

Travel is a personal experience, whether you are traveling for leisure, business, or a combination of both. When people travel, they dream about exotic places, the opportunity to meet new people, make connections, create partnerships, or drive new business. There are thousands of travel technology topics I could write about, but with the IATA Airline […]