AWS for Industries

Category: Internet of Things

AWS re:Invent 2020 – Power and Utilities Industry Guide

AWS re:Invent routinely fills several Las Vegas venues with standing-room only crowds, but we are bringing it to you with an all-virtual and free event this year. This year’s conference is gearing up to be our biggest yet and we have an exciting program planned for the Power & Utilities industry with five keynotes, 18 […]

Defining the digital model for convenience retailing

The very definition of convenience retailing is an experience of access and ease for shoppers. There’s no ambiguity. The experience must be convenient, period. And the convenience store, or c-store, market is huge. In 2019, 3.1% of the US GDP resulted from $647.8 billion in combined in-store and fuel sales at c-stores. With nearly 153,000 […]

PathSpot: Enabling handwashing hygiene, innovation, and insights

  PathSpot provides the travel and hospitality industry a hygiene management system designed to protect businesses and their customers from contaminants and ensure effective and frequent handwashing. PathSpot has raised over $10M in venture funding to date, most recently a $6.5M Series A led by Valor Siren Ventures. PathSpot has been featured as one of […]

Conducting real-time utility equipment thermal monitoring using AWS IoT services

Delta Thermal is an industrial Internet of Things (IoT) company focused on one thing: We keep stuff from blowing up. We do this by finding hotspots in equipment before it’s too late to fix them. The hotspots we are focused on today are found in electricity transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment. In the electrical grid […]

Technology rewrites the guest experience

John Padgett, Chief Experience and Innovation Officer for Carnival Corporation, has spent the past 15 years working to ensure we all get the most out of our valuable vacation time. With the theme “Technology Rewrites the Guest Experience”, John joined David Peller, Managing Director, Travel and Hospitality, Amazon Web Services (AWS) ‘on stage’ at the […]

Understanding the cost of production in agriculture: How Perennia leverages AWS IoT

What does it truly cost to run an orchard, a vineyard, a farm? How do you take into account all of the inputs from planting, fertilization, irrigation, pest management, harvesting costs, regulatory assessment fees, labor costs, equipment costs, and overhead costs compared to yields and returns? It is an enormous amount of information to keep […]

How AWS and 5G enable tomorrow’s digital electric grid

Evolution and lessons from smart grid 1.0 In 2017, Gartner reported that advanced metering infrastructure was passing through the “Trough of Disillusionment” in its hype cycle for smart grid technology. The utility field area networks were beginning to climb the “Slope of Enlightenment” and perhaps have plateaued in productivity. A few important lessons were learned […]

Creating the Connected Farm using sensor and vision data

Feeding the world requires continuous innovation – and as data has become the force multiplier in agriculture – the need for an integrated ecosystem.  There is no single solution that solves for creating the Connected Farm because every operation is different and unique in the data it needs to operate. AWS customers have shared their […]

Vector and AWS join forces to accelerate the future of energy

Note: This blog is derived from a Vector/AWS July 27, 2020 Media Alert Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS), an company, announced a multi-year strategic alliance with Vector, one of New Zealand’s largest energy companies, to jointly develop the New Energy Platform (NEP). Powered by AWS, the NEP is an Internet of Things (IoT) and […]

The Cow Collar Wearable: How Halter benefits from FreeRTOS

Who is Halter, and what IoT product are they building? Halter (, based in New Zealand, is an agri-tech original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that focuses on cattle herd management. Halter creates GPS enabled, solar powered smart collars for cows. The collar hardware allows farmers to interact with an easy-to-use app to remotely set geographic boundaries […]