AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Generate synchronized closed captions and audio using the Amazon Polly subtitle generator

Amazon Polly, an AI generated text-to-speech service, enables you to automate and scale your interactive voice solutions, helping to improve productivity and reduce costs. As our customers continue to use Amazon Polly for its rich set of features and ease of use, we have observed a demand for the ability to simultaneously generate synchronized audio […]

Accelerate your identity verification projects using AWS Amplify and Amazon Rekognition sample implementations

Amazon Rekognition allows you to mitigate fraudulent attacks and minimize onboarding friction for legitimate customers through a streamlined identity verification process. This can result in an increase in customer trust and safety. Key capabilities of this solution include: Register a new user using a selfie Register a new user after face match against an ID […]

Build a news-based real-time alert system with Twitter, Amazon SageMaker, and Hugging Face

Today, social media is a huge source of news. Users rely on platforms like Facebook and Twitter to consume news. For certain industries such as insurance companies, first respondents, law enforcement, and government agencies, being able to quickly process news about relevant events occurring can help them take action while these events are still unfolding. […]

Achieve enterprise-grade monitoring for your Amazon SageMaker models using Fiddler

This is a guest blog post by Danny Brock, Rajeev Govindan and Krishnaram Kenthapadi at Fiddler AI. Your Amazon SageMaker models are live. They’re handling millions of inferences each day and driving better business outcomes for your company. They’re performing exactly as well as the day they were launched. Er, wait. Are they? Maybe. Maybe […]

Solution architecture and workflow

Track your ML experiments end to end with Data Version Control and Amazon SageMaker Experiments

Data scientists often work towards understanding the effects of various data preprocessing and feature engineering strategies in combination with different model architectures and hyperparameters. Doing so requires you to cover large parameter spaces iteratively, and it can be overwhelming to keep track of previously run configurations and results while keeping experiments reproducible. This post walks […]

Build a predictive maintenance solution with Amazon Kinesis, AWS Glue, and Amazon SageMaker

Organizations are increasingly building and using machine learning (ML)-powered solutions for a variety of use cases and problems, including predictive maintenance of machine parts, product recommendations based on customer preferences, credit profiling, content moderation, fraud detection, and more. In many of these scenarios, the effectiveness and benefits derived from these ML-powered solutions can be further […]

LiDAR 3D point cloud labeling with Velodyne LiDAR sensor in Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

LiDAR is a key enabling technology in growing autonomous markets, such as robotics, industrial, infrastructure, and automotive. LiDAR delivers precise 3D data about its environment in real time to provide “vision” for autonomous solutions. For autonomous vehicles (AVs), nearly every carmaker uses LiDAR to augment camera and radar systems for a comprehensive perception stack capable […]

Onboard PaddleOCR with Amazon SageMaker Projects for MLOps to perform optical character recognition on identity documents

Optical character recognition (OCR) is the task of converting printed or handwritten text into machine-encoded text. OCR has been widely used in various scenarios, such as document electronization and identity authentication. Because OCR can greatly reduce the manual effort to register key information and serve as an entry step for understanding large volumes of documents, […]

Feature engineering at scale for healthcare and life sciences with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

October 2023: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Machine learning (ML) is disrupting a lot of industries at an unprecedented pace. The healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) industry has been going through a rapid evolution in recent years embracing ML across a multitude of use cases for delivering quality care and improving patient […]