AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Content Production

AWS Artist Series: Optimizing the environment with foliage

Find the other posts in the AWS Artist series below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  AWS Artist Series: Rigging the bridge for “Spanner” AWS Artist Series: Laying out the opening shots of Spanner  AWS Artist Series: Creating an ocean of clouds Project Spanner […]

AWS Artist Series: Creating an ocean of clouds

This is the 6th post in our AWS Artist series, find the other five below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  AWS Artist Series: Rigging the bridge for “Spanner” AWS Artist Series: Laying out the opening shots of Spanner  Spanner Noa’s silhouette hanging from […]

AWS Artist Series: Laying out the opening shots of Spanner

This is the 5th post in our AWS Artist series, find the other four below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  AWS Artist Series: Rigging the bridge for “Spanner” Project introduction Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly […]

AWS Artist Series – Rigging the bridge for “Spanner”

This is the 4th post in our AWS Artist series, find the other three below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa  Project introduction Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly confident worker whose insecurities become very evident when […]

AWS Artist Series: Animating Noa 

This is the 3rd post in our AWS Artist series, find the other two below: AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­ AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles  Noa and Ulysse under the bridge in Spanner. Spanner is the story of two bridge builders, Noa and Ulysse. Noa is an expert in her field; she trained hard […]

Getting started with AWS Elemental Live and Dolby Vision

In the relatively new, ever-changing arena of High Dynamic Range (HDR) technologies, there are quite a few options to consider when it comes to creating video content with rich, beautiful, pronounced pictures with both brighter and darker colors. These include HDR10, HDR10+, HLG, and Dolby Vision. This post focuses on the key benefits of Dolby […]

AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­

This is the second post in our AWS Artist series. For more information, read the first post “Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles”. Nuke script from the short film Spanner Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly confident worker whose insecurities become very evident when he encounters Noa, a bridge […]

New possibilities with virtual production

One of the biggest trends in content production over the last year is virtual production, with the latest incarnation of the technology featuring sizable LED panel-equipped volumes that are popping up in major production and VFX hubs around the globe. This is part of the overall shift to remote work, which accelerated when productions had […]

Streamline content preparation and quality control for VOD platforms using Amazon Rekognition Video

Last year, we launched Amazon Rekognition video segment detection, an API that makes it easy for media customers to automatically detect frame accurate end credits, black frame segments, shot changes, and color bars in video files using machine learning (ML). Today, we are announcing support for four new types of segments (opening credits, content segments, […]

Explore remote production with AWS Partners at SIGGRAPH

In response to the exceptional demand for remote collaboration and virtual production, studios across the globe have shifted to cloud-based workflows for animation, visual effects (VFX), rendering, and editing. On-demand access to virtual workstations, elastic high-speed file storage, and scalable render farm capacity allow studios to scale up (and down) to meet project demand, onboard […]