AWS for M&E Blog

Category: AWS Elemental Live

Part 2: Working with SMPTE ST 2022-6 on AWS Elemental Live appliances

This two-part blog post is a look at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2022-6 standard. The first post explores some of the reasons customers are transitioning from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices using AWS […]

Part 1: Background and key benefits of SMPTE ST 2022-6 on AWS Elemental Live

This two-part blog is a look at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 2022-6 standard. This first post explores some of the reasons customers are transitioning from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) infrastructure to IP. It also looks at the trade-offs to consider when making the switch, and best practices using AWS […]

AWS Elemental Live SRT outputs configuration and workflows

Introduction AWS Elemental Live version 2.21 introduced support for ingesting transport stream (TS) inputs using SRT. Now, version 2.22 supports delivering TS outputs using SRT. The SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) protocol is an open-source transport technology optimized for live audio/video streaming. SRT enables secure and reliable transport of content across unpredictable, noisy networks, such as […]

ITV moves delivery of simulcast channels into the cloud to accelerate innovation

With a wealth of programming accessible at the push of a button, the average consumer is viewing more content than ever, whether binge watching the latest BritBox series, keeping up with the local news, or catching up on their favourite program. Coupled with rising audience expectations for more reliable viewing experiences, this unprecedented demand for […]

Reducing the complexity of linear channel management with Veset Stratus

Authored by Igor Krol, CEO at Veset. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.     Over the past couple of decades, the way that video content is consumed has changed dramatically. The rise of OTT […]

Case Study: Radio Television Brunei launches RTBGo in two months with IPSB 

Radio Television Brunei (RTB) delivers content through streaming and on-demand video, podcasts, radio networks, and satellite television channels. RTB wanted to launch a new streaming internet platform, RTBGo, to broadcast television and radio programs, as well as on-demand entertainment and education videos and podcasts. Working with IPSB, an AWS Select Technology Partner and an AWS Public Sector […]

A deep dive into Output Locking in AWS Elemental Live

Introduction In order to deliver broadcast-grade resilience, it’s essential to have redundant contribution encoders so live event viewing won’t be affected even if one of the encoders fails. However, when you run multiple encoders for redundancy, the outputs from those encoders must be synchronized with frame-level accuracy. Otherwise, viewers experience discontinuity when the encoder is switched […]

Introducing new and improved AWS Elemental Statmux appliance and software for statistical multiplexing

In early 2021, AWS relaunched statistical multiplexing (statmux) hardware and software for on-premises applications. The new AWS Elemental Statmux incorporates the latest statmux features that were previously available in AWS Elemental MediaLive and adds additional features for the on-premises environment. Statmux is a technology used to efficiently combine (or multiplex) multiple encoded video channels (or […]

Case Study: RSI Affordably modernizes audio and video content management on AWS

  Radiotelevisione svizzera (RSI), a Swiss public broadcaster, needed to modernize its infrastructure. Its systems were built specifically for broadcast television, and were not able to adapt to the rapidly evolving media industry – particularly streaming content. Claranet, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner, developed a prototype in just 3 weeks, and a backend architecture to […]

Using SMPTE 2022-7 with AWS Elemental Live

A growing trend in media production and broadcasting is the migration of video transport from dedicated infrastructure like SDI onto general-purpose IP networks. Factors driving this movement include the increasing capability of commodity networking equipment. Hardware vendors are producing 10, 25 and even 100-Gbit Ethernet hardware at volume, resulting in lower equipment costs. Broadcasters and […]