AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: Amazon CloudFront How-To

How to: Delivering high-profile live video streams using AWS Media Services

Introduction In a previous Media Blog series, we provided several examples of sophisticated workflows using AWS Media Services. In this post, I demonstrate a workflow that delivers a basic HLS livestream with resiliency for high-visibility events. Workflow overview This workflow uses multiple levels of redundancy to eliminate several single points of failure that might take […]

How to: Dolby Atmos Live streaming using AWS Elemental and AWS Media Services

It’s the right time to get immersive. Dolby Atmos was first released in 2012 with the animated movie “Brave”. Since then, more than 950 movies, TV shows and Live events have been created using Dolby Atmos. Dolby Atmos audio is now distributed globally via broadcasts such as: SkyUK, Xfinity (Comcast); BT for top tier sporting […]

Protecting your media assets with token authentication

Video streaming is no longer exclusively done by media companies. Schools, ecommerce retailers, tech companies, and banks are creating media content to distribute directly to their consumers. Video streaming, both live and on-demand, has become the prevailing communication tool to reach the target audiences. As the value and number of media assets grow, creating a […]

Build a reliable HLS live channel with AWS Elemental MediaStore

For resilient live streams, you usually have two encoders, which creates two master manifests. However, that on its own is not enough. If one of the encoders suffers a failure – let’s say encoder 1 – the manifests for encoder 1 becomes stale (no longer updated), while encoder 2’s manifests and A/V segments continue to […]

Protecting your video stream with Amazon CloudFront and serverless technologies – Part 2

Amazon CloudFront alongside media services and serverless technologies from AWS make it easy to protect your video stream from unauthorized viewing. In part one of this blog post, you learned how to set up Amazon Cognito, create an API to generate cookies and protect your stream from unauthorized access. In this post, we will provide […]

[Updated 1/4/2021]: Protecting your video stream with Amazon CloudFront and serverless technologies – Part 1

Amazon CloudFront alongside media services and serverless technologies from AWS make it easy to protect your video stream from unauthorized viewing. Whether it’s to ensure audiences have the right subscription to view the content, or that sensitive information can only be seen by permissioned viewers, there are many reasons content providers need to secure their […]

Creating a secure video-on-demand (VOD) platform using AWS

Video has become the primary means of Information sharing and learning. Customers are investing in innovative solutions to tap into the e-learning and video space. Video content is their IP and needs to be protected and securely delivered. Online video is a powerful technology that every industry, from businesses to educational institutions to government agencies, is […]

Getting started with ultra-low latency using AWS Elemental Live – Part 2

The AWS Elemental Live encoder version 2.19.0 now supports chunk delivery to AWS Elemental MediaStore enabling a stable user experience of 3-4 seconds glass-to-glass latency using standard HLS/DASH packaged content and delivered through traditional CDNs. This blog post, the final of a two-part series, provides a step-by-step guide to building an ultra-low latency (ULL) workflow […]

How to filter live streaming renditions by device type at the Edge

Filtering Streaming Renditions by Device Type with AWS Elemental MediaPackage, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon Lambda@Edge Introduction When customers choose their bitrate ladder for adaptive bit rate (ABR) streaming video, they often discover that there is not always a “one size fits all” set of renditions that will work for all of their client devices. For […]

Using Amazon CloudFront and AWS Media Services

AWS Media Services are a group of managed services that make it easy to build reliable, broadcast-quality video workflows in the Cloud. These services create media suitable for streaming, both live and on-demand, and optimized for your viewers’ playback devices. In this post, I shall explain how you can deliver the content created with the […]