AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Tag: Amazon Simple Email Service

How quirion sends attachments using email templates with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

This is part one of the two-part guest series on extending Simple Email Services with advanced functionality. Find part two here. Update: The TestRenderEmailTemplate API used to send emails with attachments has a limit of 1 operation per second. If your expected peak traffic is higher than this, the solution demonstrated in this case study may […]


Building Generative AI into Marketing Strategies: A Primer

*This blog is part of a series of blog posts. Check out: For a practical deep dive into how to build a generative AI marketing portal using AWS Services and microservice architecture: Building a generative AI marketing portal on AWS Introduction Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly shaped many industries and is poised to be one of […]

How to Grant Another SES Account or User Permission To Send Emails

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a bulk and transactional email sending service for businesses and developers. To send emails from a particular email address through SES, users have to verify ownership of the email address, the domain used by the email address, or a parent domain of the domain used by the email […]

How to verify an email address in SES which does not have an inbox

Overview of solution Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is an email platform that provides a straightforward and cost-effective solution for sending and receiving emails using your own email addresses and domains. One of the most common use cases for using separate verified from email address is in online retails/e-commerce platforms. Online/e-commerce platform need to […]

SES Chaining multiple rules in a rule set

Manage Incoming Emails at Scale with Amazon SES

NOTE: This blog was originally published in June 2023 and has been updated on June 6, 2024 to include a link to the announcement of the recently launched feature called Mail Manager, as well as a link to the Amazon SES blog post published on May 22, 2024: “Mail Manager – Amazon SES introduces new email routing […]

Amazon SES – Set up notifications for bounces and complaints

Why is it important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon Simple Email Service? Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that is cost-effective and flexible. Amazon SES allows businesses and individuals to send bulk emails to their customers and subscribers. However, as with any email service, there […]

A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Email Database

Introduction In the digital age, email remains a powerful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers. Whether it’s for marketing campaigns, customer service updates, or important announcements, a well-maintained email database is crucial for ensuring that your messages reach their intended recipients. However, managing an email database is not just about storing email addresses. […]

This depicts metrics like Sent, delivered, complaints.

Improving email deliverability with new virtual deliverability manager features

Background: Email deliverability is a critical aspect of email as it directly impacts the success of campaigns by ensuring that messages reach the intended recipients’ inboxes. It encompasses factors like avoiding spam filters, maximizing open rates, and minimizing bounces. Companies often encounter deliverability problems due to various reasons, such as poor sender reputation, inadequate list […]