AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Analyzing vehicle fleet location data from a data lake with AWS

At AWS, many public sector customers operate fleets of vehicles (e.g. emergency response, public transportation) that generate location data, which is ultimately stored in a data lake. These customers frequently ask how they can quickly visualize this data and extract insights that can help them optimize how they operate their vehicle fleets. In this post, learn how to use Amazon Athena and Amazon Location Service to perform ad hoc reverse geocoding on a notional dataset of vehicle location history, and visualize the results on an Amazon QuickSight map.

Automatically extracting email attachment data to reduce costs and save time for local public health departments

Local public health departments must notify public health agencies, like state health departments or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of reportable conditions. These departments receive various types of reports of healthcare conditions through email, in addition to more traditional methods such as mail, fax, or phone calls. Local health departments can dramatically reduce the time and costs associated with manually processing email attachments and improve processing efficiency using automation. In this blog post, learn how to create an automated email attachment ingestion, storage, and processing solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) services from AWS.

IAM Identity Center for AWS environments spanning AWS GovCloud (US) and standard Regions

AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) provides administrators with a simple way to manage identity and access (IAM) across numerous AWS accounts. IAM Identity Center is available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, enabling customers to simply manage access to numerous AWS accounts in their AWS GovCloud (US) organizations. In this blog post, learn four different architecture patterns for providing an organization’s AWS users with access to both standard and AWS GovCloud (US) accounts using IAM Identity Center that can help minimize administrative overhead and simplify the user experience.

Getting started with Amazon Lightsail for Research: A tutorial using RStudio

Amazon Lightsail for Research is a new service that makes it simple to incorporate cloud computing resources into your work without cloud experience. With Lightsail for Research, you can shift large and/or time-consuming analysis from your laptop onto powerful cloud resources, run multiple analyses simultaneously, and continue computations even when your laptop is off or being used for other activities. In this blog post, learn how to use Lightsail for Research with a simple but common use case.

Supporting state agencies with Medicaid unwinding outreach: Creating a multi-lingual two-way messaging system

A key focus for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and state Medicaid agencies is making sure those eligible for Medicaid maintain coverage and supporting transition to alternatives. Medicaid agencies need to conduct outreach to make their millions of members aware of the process for redetermination. With cloud-based tools from AWS, state agencies can conduct this outreach using no code/low code, serverless, elastic services that can scale to two billion text messages a day. In this blog post, learn how to set up a multi-lingual, interactive SMS message campaign that can automatically verify and update member information on file based on member responses.

Hosting streaming video for your nonprofit with Video on Demand on AWS 

Many nonprofit organizations rely on video content to spread their missions, boost membership, and raise funds. This content can range from smartphone-recorded testimonials about your organization to highly produced marketing content, and everything in between. In this blog post, learn how to use the Video on Demand on AWS solution to more simply share videos with your viewers around the world. By implementing this solution, your organization can spend less time building infrastructure, letting you focus instead on creating impactful content.

Improving the customer experience for high-traffic public services: An architecture guidance

Improving the customer experience (CX) has emerged as an imperative for government agencies. In this blog post, learn an architecture pattern that public institutions can use to improve CX while building and deploying secure, resilient, and performant web applications that support sudden surges in demand for public services. This architecture pattern addresses the need of an example use case in which an agency must request information from thousands to millions of civilians, who may access a single-page application at similar times, and then sends email notifications to each civilian to confirm their activity.

Managing nonprofit members and donors with CiviCRM on AWS

Managing donors, members, and constituents is essential to the success of most nonprofits. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, like the no-cost, nonprofit-focused CiviCRM, are an important part of this process. In this post, learn how to deploy CiviCRM using AWS, and explore an architecture for deploying CiviCRM in a way that is highly available and resilient to service disruptions or events.

traffic on the road

Amazon Connect helps departments of motor vehicles modernize call centers

In the last few years, many state motor vehicle departments agencies quickly transformed their processes and adopted new procedures to accommodate changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, like social distancing, contactless interactions, decreased staffing, and other constraints. Now, agencies can build upon these changes by modernizing their systems with intelligent automation—transitioning from reactive to proactive engagements with their citizens. Learn how to use AWS to connect and retrieve data either from an enterprise on-premises database or other third-party integration that allows for both a modernized outreach or an inbound customer experience.

Reduce mean time to contain (MTTC) on incidents against digital citizen services

Reduce mean time to contain (MTTC) on incidents against digital citizen services

Attacks on digital citizen services can cause citizens to lose trust in their governments. Services such as real estate land title searches, emergency response, and more need to be operational in times of need. As an IT leader for digital citizen services, your mission to automate incident management runbooks is necessary. Learn how the automation of incident response starts with what you already have: your existing incident response runbook.