AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

Fix This episode 12

Happy Earth Day: The Fix This podcast April round up

Happy Earth Day! In April, the Fix This podcast focused on how the cloud can help people and organizations further understand human impact on the environment, and help them to achieve their sustainability goals. All episodes are available for streaming and download on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast, iHeartRadio, and via RSS.

Athabasca University

Mission: Connection and access for all

From school districts to researchers to governments, our customers are maintaining business and educational continuity while being focused on protecting their citizens, students, and patients. How can we provide equal access to high-quality learning opportunities to all? How can we remove barriers set by distance and circumstance? How can we make services more accessible for everyone regardless of language, location, or differing learning needs? We believe the cloud can help.

Moving to virtual classrooms: Here’s how EdTechs can help

Over the past few weeks, I have been inspired by the vast community of EdTech companies who have stepped up to transform learning for millions of students around the world. During this unprecedented time of temporary and sustained school closings, virtual classrooms have become a necessity to ensure that teachers and students stay connected, and students continue their education. Whether schools need tools to keep administration offices, educators, and students connected, or need to deploy learning management systems, our EdTech Partners have a number of solutions.

Researcher working from home

Resources for researchers and institutions to work remotely

The rapidly changing and dynamic global health situation has impacted the lives of many people including researchers at universities and institutions worldwide. Many academic institutions are migrating to remote operations. Researchers are processing data, collaborating online, and trying to maintain labs remotely. Amazon and AWS are responding to these events in support of our communities and deploying resources and technology to enable remote learning and home working.


Supporting healthcare with technology in response to COVID-19

Cloud-based technology is supporting healthcare organisations and governments in response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. Healthcare providers and professionals, governments, and patients around the world are facing an unprecedented challenge. Here are some of the ways that these health-focused organisations use cloud-based technology to help improve patient services and outcomes.

FINRA This is my architecture video

Using advanced analytics to accelerate problem solving in the public sector

Organizations across the globe are using advanced analytics and data science to predict and make decisions. They are finding ways to use their vast and diverse data stores to predict the best place to put their next retail store, what products to recommend to customers, how many employees they need for peak hours of operation, and how long a piece of machinery has until it needs maintenance. Public sector organizations in government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare are looking to use data to advance their missions too. Learn how.

Our Public Sector Partners in action: Healthcare, data visualization, and remote work

AWS is grateful for our AWS Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partners that have stepped up to support customers during this rapidly changing and dynamic global health situation. I thought I’d share a few examples of how our innovative and agile APN Partners are collaborating with public sector organizations around the world. I hope this list gives you some ideas of ways in which our partner community can support you during this time. Here are just a few examples:

Achieving “five nines” in the cloud for justice and public safety

Every hour of every day, our nation’s first responders and 9-1-1 personnel rely on a patchwork of telecommunications and public safety applications to protect their residents and save lives. Whether it’s a 9-1-1 answering point, a computer aided dispatch (CAD) system, a records management (RMS) system, or a mobile communications network, emergency response systems must be available and operational at all times. The accepted availability standard for emergency response systems is 99.999% or “five nines” – or about five minutes and 15 seconds of downtime per year.

Four ways the cloud is boosting government innovation

Innovation is discovery that enables government to do more with less, advance economic and national security, and transform public service. In Government Matters Tech Leadership Series: Innovation, leaders from the United States federal government and AWS discussed how innovation is fueled by the cloud and is helping them achieve their missions and deliver citizen services.