AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Federal

Support FedRAMP and CMMC compliance with the Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

Support FedRAMP and CMMC compliance with the Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

Some US federal agencies and those who collaborate with them must support an automated, secure, and scalable multi-account cloud environment that meets Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) standards. To support these needs, AWS customers and partners can deploy the Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA) on AWS. Recently, AWS worked with Coalfire, a FedRAMP-approved third-party assessment organization (3PAO) and AWS Partner, to assess and verify the LZA solution.

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

Scaling intelligent document processing workflows with AWS AI services

As the daily volumes of document submissions increases for government organizations, intelligent document processing (IDP) solution architectures must absorb spikes in requests without creating delays or other impact for the users. In cases where the processing volume exceeds the limits of the resources available in an AWS Region, organizations can distribute the workloads across multiple regions to increase the document processing throughput. This post presents high-level architecture guidance built around Amazon Comprehend to create a distributed document processing workload that can overcome the challenges of unpredictable request patterns.

Raising the bar on accessibility for open-source public sector solutions

Raising the bar on accessibility for open-source public sector solutions

Performance Dashboard on AWS is an open source solution in the AWS Solutions Library designed by AWS experts to help organizations build, deploy, and maintain customizable dashboards to communicate the data-driven performance of public sector services. After this initial release, the Government Transformation Team (GTT) at AWS enlisted the help of the UK’s Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC), LevelAccess, and an internal AWS accessibility team to conduct accessibility audits to help our product team identify possible accessibility opportunities within the application.

What is a cloud center of excellence and why should your organization create one?

As more federal public sector organizations move toward cloud computing, many are looking for ways to make sure that they’re using the cloud effectively and efficiently. One way to do this is to establish a cloud center of excellence (CCoE). Learn how to build an effective CCoE to help streamline cloud adoption, security and innovation needs, reduce costs, and more.

New IDC whitepaper: How cloud drives government outcomes at scale and supports compliance with security requirements

A new IDC whitepaper explores how, with cloud, US federal agencies can achieve meaningful digital innovation while addressing their mission needs. As more agencies migrate applications and workloads to the cloud, including their most sensitive and heavily regulated data, a key consideration is meeting federal compliance and security mandates.

Protecting transportation agencies in the era of cybersecurity

Transportation agencies are increasing their focus on cybersecurity prevention due to persistent threats. Learn how transportation agencies can use AWS to support four cybersecurity best practices and position their organizations against cyber threats.

Using AI for intelligent document processing to support benefit applications and more

Each year, US federal, state, and local government agencies spend a significant part of their budgets on various social and safety net programs. Tens of millions of residents apply for these benefits every year. In these applications, documents—in various sources, formats, and layouts—are the primary tools for application assessment. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology can accelerate and simplify the application review process, improving both the case worker and applicant experience. Learn how public sector agencies can leverage AI offerings from AWS, like Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend, to process multiple documents in benefit application use cases in an intelligent document processing (IDP) workflow.

AWS announces AWS Modular Data Center for U.S. Department of Defense Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability

AWS announced AWS Modular Data Center. This new service provides U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) customers with the ability to deploy compute and storage capabilities to support large-scale workloads wherever they need it, including in Disconnected, Disrupted, Intermittent, or Limited (DDIL) environments. Instead of relying on limited data center infrastructure or building from the ground up, this offering delivers a cost-effective, self-contained modular data center solution that supports customers’ data center scale workloads.

Improving the customer experience for high-traffic public services: An architecture guidance

Improving the customer experience (CX) has emerged as an imperative for government agencies. In this blog post, learn an architecture pattern that public institutions can use to improve CX while building and deploying secure, resilient, and performant web applications that support sudden surges in demand for public services. This architecture pattern addresses the need of an example use case in which an agency must request information from thousands to millions of civilians, who may access a single-page application at similar times, and then sends email notifications to each civilian to confirm their activity.

Open for registration: Cloud Audit Academy for Federal and DoD Workloads in AWS

AWS announced the launch of the Cloud Audit Academy (CAA) for Federal and DoD Workloads (FDW) in AWS. This is a two-day accelerated training course to educate customers on how to leverage AWS services to assist with US Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) security and compliance requirements. This training course also qualifies for 12 hours of continuing professional education (CPE). Register at no cost today.