AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Healthcare

lightbulb innovation

Building a culture of innovation to better serve citizens

Public sector organizations—from state and local governments, to nonprofits, federal, and defense agencies—often ask us, “How does Amazon innovate?” Our approach centers on four pillars that help us innovate on behalf of our customers: culture, mechanisms, architecture, and organization.

A "cryptic pocket" inside the main protease, identified during Folding@home simulations.

Crowdsourcing a cure for COVID-19: How the cloud and Folding@home are accelerating research and drug discovery

Today more than 200,000 volunteers around the world are helping accelerate research toward COVID-19 therapies—by walking away from their computers. That’s because of a concept called distributed computing, which allows anyone with a home computer, laptop, or virtual machine to contribute computing power to a common cause. This month, nonprofit Folding@home has started sharing one of the world’s largest public protein simulation databases as an AWS Open Data Set so that researchers around the world can easily access this data to speed up the search for therapies for COVID-19.

The Brief - Business Resiliency

Building business resiliency, upskilling, and ML in sports: What you missed last month on the AWS Public Sector Blog

Last month, the AWS Public Sector Blog covered building business resiliency, upskilling the next generation of cloud talent, machine learning in college sports, and more. Check out the latest episode of The Brief to learn more about business resiliency, and check out the other top stories linked below.

Cloud adoption readiness roadmap

Get migration ready with the AWS Cloud Adoption Readiness Tool

Driven by the need for greater productivity, lower costs, and more recently being able to scale a remote workforce, organizations around the world are moving their IT workloads to the cloud. Planning a move to the cloud requires upfront pre-migration planning; this is as important as the implementation itself. But it can be daunting to know where to start or what needs to be in place for a successful migration. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Adoption Readiness Tool (CART) can help provide insight into your level of readiness and what you can do to improve it.

Max Peterson keynote address at AWS Public Sector Summit Online

An IT infrastructure to meet our new reality: What you missed at the AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2020

At the AWS Public Sector Summit Online, Max Peterson, vice president of international sales for the public sector, spoke about our new reality responding to a global pandemic—and how customers who have taken steps to transform digitally are already benefiting from their progress. Through the lens of customers’ and partners’ experience, Max shared lessons learned and how to apply these lessons to your cloud journey. Those four key lessons? Move fast, have an agile platform, keep innovating, and think big. Read on for more.

NITI Aayog a policy think tank of the government of India, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of a Frontier Technologies Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) during a virtual launch event.

NITI Aayog and AWS establish Frontier Technologies Cloud Innovation Center in India

The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), a policy think tank of the government of India, and AWS announced the launch of a Frontier Technologies Cloud Innovation Center (CIC). A CIC is a public-private partnership that focus on addressing societal challenges through digital innovation. The CIC program, created by AWS, provides an opportunity for nonprofits, education institutions, and government agencies to collaborate with other public sector organizations on their most pressing challenges, innovate and test new ideas, and access the technology expertise of AWS. The NITI Aayog Frontier Technologies CIC is the first AWS CIC in India.

AWS Jam Lounge at the AWS Public Sector Summit Online

Showcase your skills and play to win in the AWS Jam Lounge at the AWS Public Sector Summit Online

AWS releases over a hundred new features and services each year. But do you know how those services can impact your cloud operations? No matter your knowledge, join a team of peers, jam out, and play to win in the AWS Jam Lounge at the AWS Public Sector Summit Online.

AWS Cloud Champion Cloud 101

Cloud 101 Challenge: Learn about the cloud in new gamified tutorial – now available in six languages

Developers, IT specialists, and decision makers working in government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare organizations can learn about cloud computing by playing a new online gamified tutorial called the AWS Cloud Champion: Cloud 101 Challenge. The recently launched game teaches participants cloud basics through a brief self-paced learning experience presented as a virtual showcase.

woman working on her laptop at home next to phone and notebook

Mission: Providing business continuity for the future of work

Over the past few months, one of the biggest challenges for organizations and employees alike has been the sudden transition to remote work. But we have learned that remote work works when the right technology and leadership come together. Check out some impactful stories that demonstrate how governments have gone above and beyond using the cloud to quickly adapt to this new environment and shift away from the status quo.

AWS Public Sector Summit Online October 20

Announcing the October 20 AWS Public Sector Summit Online keynote and customer speakers

The AWS Public Sector Summit Online is happening October 20, 2020—registration is now open and at no cost. Max Peterson, vice president of international sales of worldwide public sector at AWS, is hosting the opening keynote, featuring inspiring stories from leaders who are serving their missions with AWS. In the keynote, Max will also share insights into emerging trends in the public sector and discuss topics around digital transformation, business continuity, resilience, security, and privacy—as well as training and workforce development. Meet the inspiring leaders featured in the keynote and learn a bit about their stories.