AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Compliance

Navigating ISM and Essential Eight compliance with AWS Config for Australian government agencies

To help our Australian customers, AWS provides pre-built conformance packs for the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight Maturity Model and the ACSC Information Security Manual (ISM). The ACSC’s Essential Eight was first published in 2017 and is a set of prioritised security mitigation strategies designed to help protect organisations against various security threats. In this blog post, I walk you through how to set up a conformance pack in AWS Config that is designed to help you implement and track the ASCS Essential Eight model.

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security adds additional AWS services to its assessment of the AWS Canada (Central) Region

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) added more AWS services to its assessment of the AWS Canada (Central) Region, bringing the total number of assessed AWS services to 120. This provides Canadian public sector customers additional confidence that AWS Cloud services meet the Government of Canada’s security control requirements. Using these services in conjunction with the deployment of the open source AWS Secure Environment Accelerator (ASEA) solution reduces cloud service configuration time from months to days.

AWS Global Security and Compliance Acceleration initiative now supporting UK customers

Since its launch in June of 2019, the Authority to Operate on AWS (ATO on AWS) program has supported more than 300 US-based customers to meet their regulatory, security, and compliance requirements on AWS. To extend that support globally, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched the Global Security and Compliance Acceleration (GSCA) initiative. The GSCA is now available to support customers in the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU).

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Supporting customers in the context of DiGAV compliance

A growing number of healthcare providers, payers, and IT professionals are using AWS’s secure, flexible, and scalable utility-based cloud services to process and store data including personal data. AWS provides a number of industry-leading tools to support customers address local regulatory and legislative requirements, including the German Digital Supply Act (DVG) and associated Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV), as they move healthcare workloads to the cloud.

Wickr, an AWS company, offers a secure and compliant solution to protect organizational communications

To offer security conscious enterprises and government agencies the ability to implement important governance and security controls, AWS acquired Wickr in June of 2021. Wickr helps organizations protect their collaboration with a secure and compliant solution. Built with a security-first mindset, Wickr delivers advanced security features not available with traditional communications services.

Accelerate CMMC compliance with the AWS CMMC Customer Responsibility Matrix

AWS is launching the AWS Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Customer Responsibility Matrix (CRM). The AWS CMMC CRM reduces the level of effort required for CMMC compliance by providing customers a breakdown of the CMMC practices that they can inherit from AWS, and identifies CMMC practice roles and responsibilities when using the AWS Compliant Framework for Federal and DoD Workloads in AWS GovCloud (US).

Elevating cloud security to address regulatory requirements for security and disaster recovery

Learn how you can build a foundation of security objectives practices, including a business continuity and disaster recovery plan, that can be adapted to meet a dynamic policy environment and support the missions of national computer security incident response teams (CSIRT), operators of essential services (OES), digital service providers (DSP), and other identified sector organizations.

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Customers in all 50 states in US can now host criminal justice information on AWS

After a multi-year journey working with the mission critical application technology providers and Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) officials across the US, Amazon Web Services (AWS) implemented a simple and technically robust approach to CJIS compliance. Now, agencies and organizations in all 50 states in the US can host criminal justice information (CJI) on AWS.

How to accelerate CMMC compliance with the new AWS Compliant Framework

The AWS Compliant Framework is an automated solution designed to help customers reduce the time to setup an environment for running secure and scalable workloads while implementing an initial security baseline that meets US federal government standards. The solution was designed to address the requirements for deploying DoD CMMC and DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide compliant environments.

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A journey of innovation in CJIS compliance

To protect citizens and save lives, justice and public safety agencies rely on timely access to critical information, such as criminal histories, arrest warrants, stolen vehicles, and 911 call data. Providing this mission critical criminal justice information with five nines (99.999%) availability and protecting it according to the rigorous security requirements prescribed in the Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy are top priorities for criminal justice agencies (CJA). AWS’s innovative features and security controls can help customers achieve CJIS compliance in a simplified way.