AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: AWS Public Sector Partners

Governments create cloud-enabled constituent engagement systems to solve challenges and innovate communities

A constituent engagement system helps governments communicate, listen, and respond to informational, service, and transactional requests from their communities. Governments across the US are embracing the cloud to optimize constituent engagement systems and improve the experience, reduce and eliminate friction for both enterprise employees and their customers, and manage first contact burdens on staffed, centralized intake points to liberate resources for higher priority initiatives.

two students walking away from camera through a campus common area

Getting students back to the classroom and student athletes back on the field

According to a recent study conducted by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), less than half of all US students are back in the classroom full time a full year after the start of the pandemic. As schools look to safely bring students back onsite the fall, with cloud technology, schools can manage their large populations through robust reporting of test results with meaningful statistics around clusters of students who live, learn and play together while meeting state reporting guidelines for point of care testing.

CEU Universities in Spain join AWS Partners to skill next generation of cloud experts

CEU Universities launched the first cloud computing program in Spain, in collaboration with AWS, to create pathways for students into cloud technology careers. CEU is working with key organizations as part of an initiative called CEU Tech 4 Good to develop student talent through mentoring sessions and internships. This hands-on experience will help prepare students to pursue cloud-related job opportunities when an AWS Region opens in Spain in late 2022 or early 2023.

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Modernizing mission critical transportation technologies in the cloud

In state and local government transportation, infrastructure owners like departments of transportation, traffic agencies, tolling authorities, public transit agencies, airports, and seaports, all strive to operate more efficiently. They’re working to deliver safe, dependable, and equitable transportation experiences to citizens, regardless of how, when, or where they travel. Forward thinking public agencies are turning to a new breed of solutions provider—one not tied to a legacy framework that cannot address current traveler needs. They work with system integrators, independent software vendors, and consultants to innovate using AWS to improve traffic safety, construction project management, analytics and reporting, and secure identification.

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Announcing the AWS Clean Energy Accelerator for startups

Addressing climate change requires innovation across the world, across industries, and across startups and multi-national corporations. From distributed energy to storage solutions to efficiency and optimization software—clean technology investment and innovation is surging. With this surge in demand comes a rapid proliferation of startups working to solve today’s biggest energy challenges. To help foster this innovation, AWS is launching the AWS Clean Energy Accelerator.

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Using the cloud to get rental assistance quickly to those in need

Even before the pandemic, many people were rent burdened, with a quarter of renters paying more than half their income on rent. US Congress approved two bills containing $45 billion for emergency rental assistance programs (ERAP) that states and local governments can use to support people in need. Distributing these funds quickly and efficiently requires local agencies to rapidly design and deploy new engagement models, programs, and workflows that are easy to use, that can quickly scale up to meet demand, and are flexible enough to adjust to changes in federal and local requirements. Learn how these AWS customers and partners are leveraging the cloud to quickly launch and distribute benefit assistance programs like emergency rental assistance.

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The strategic power of data, enabled by AWS Partner data-led migrations

Data has become a strategic asset. With the right tools, data becomes predictive and makes us agile. Using data-led migrations and advanced data analytics solutions, AWS Partners create repeatable and scalable solutions that provide increased operational efficiencies and profitability for companies, agencies, and governments. The three steps to gaining the full value of data are: migrate data to the cloud data lake, set up an analytics engine, and leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including ML and deep learning.

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Accelerating nonprofit and education sector impact through data insights with Salesforce and AWS

Nonprofits and education institutions of all sizes rely on large amounts of data to serve their stakeholders, programs, and governance. For many organizations, the first step in a technology transformation begins with centralizing data that is siloed across a variety of mission critical systems. In support of these goals, and Amazon Web Service (AWS) are working together to help nonprofits and education institutions derive actionable insights from their data.

RONIN with one AWS account

Inside a self-service cloud research computing platform: How RONIN is built on AWS

RONIN is an AWS Partner solution that empowers researchers with a simple interface to create and control computing resources, set and monitor budgets, and forecast spend. RONIN is designed and architected to advance research institutions’ missions, by providing a research platform that manages the most common research use cases, and is also compatible with advanced cloud computing services from AWS. Learn what powers RONIN underneath the user-friendly interface.

Washingtonian workforce skilling panel featuring AWS, 1901 Group, Byte Back

Creating a culture of lifelong learning for the workforce

I’ve always valued education, because it shapes our world and defines our future. At AWS, we work with K12 schools, higher education institutions, education technology, and learning companies to support both teaching and learning. The institutions and their dedicated instructors collaborate daily and deliver education to the current and future workforce. These students will help AWS, our customers and partners, and industries and governments across the globe continue to innovate. Alongside the education institutions, we are committed to providing access to cloud computing and technical skills to everyone, no matter their knowledge level. Learn how AWS is helping individuals on their cloud career journey for reskilling and upskilling, and how other companies can follow.