AWS Storage Blog

Category: AWS Systems Manager

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How London Stock Exchange Group migrated 30 PB of market data using AWS DataSync

London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) has 30 PB of Tick History-PCAP data, which is ultra-high-quality global market data that is based on raw exchange data, timestamped to the nanosecond. An additional 60 TB is generated every day. LSEG sought to migrate their data from Wasabi cloud storage, LSEG was looking for a new solution to […]

Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for SAP HANA databases

Customers host their SAP HANA environments on AWS to run their business-critical processes, such as financial planning, data analytics, and supply chain management. Reliably backing up data in SAP HANA is paramount for users to restore the database in the event of disruptions and urgent business needs. To reliably back up SAP HANA, SAP documentation […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Automate post-recovery actions using Amazon Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity planning (BCP) are critical activities for any organization. During DR operations, after workloads are restored in the DR site, there are a series of steps and activities, such as application configurations and validations, that must be properly orchestrated and coordinated among many teams and functions in order to ensure […]

Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for MySQL and PostgreSQL

MySQL and PostgreSQL are popular relational database management systems that many organizations use to power web applications, dynamic websites, and embedded systems. For customers self-hosting MySQL and PostgreSQL with AWS, they can use their choice of tools to manage the operating system, database software, patches, data replication, backup, and restoration. As customers back up their […]

Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for Windows applications

Customers have been running Microsoft workloads on AWS for over 16 years. Through conversations with these customers, a common challenge we’ve found is that as they back up their Windows applications to fulfill data protection needs, they often spend significant time and manual effort managing the orchestration of backup workflows. The time- and labor-intensive process […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Deploying AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery at scale with AWS Systems Manager

In the digital era, ensuring business continuity through effective disaster recovery measures is crucial for organizations of all sizes. Setting up disaster recovery solutions manually, such as installing recovery agents on multiple servers, can be a significant and time-consuming task. Therefore, many customers are increasingly seeking automation not only to streamline common administrative tasks but […]

Seamlessly map file shares for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with AWS Auto Scaling

When managing a fleet of Windows instances, you often need a central repository for files that can be accessed from multiple locations. Having an automatically mapped Server Message Block (SMB) file share when your end-users connect to the domain-joined instances automates the repetitive and time-consuming task of mapping file shares manually to hundreds of new […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Using AWS Systems Manager to upgrade from CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) is the recommended service for disaster recovery to AWS. It’s the next generation of CloudEndure Disaster Recovery (CEDR), as CloudEndure Disaster Recovery technology was used to build Elastic Disaster Recovery. Now you can upgrade replicating source servers from CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to Elastic Disaster Recovery. This is accomplished via the CEDR Server […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automating AWS Backup pre- and post-script execution with AWS Step Functions

Customers execute custom scripts before or after a backup job to automate and orchestrate required and repetitive tasks. For example, customers running applications hosted in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances use scripts to complete application transactions, flush the buffers and caches, stop file I/O operations, or ensure that the application is idle, bringing the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Troubleshooting automated pre- and post-scripts for AWS Backup

Customers can use event-driven architectures with decoupled tasks to automate and orchestrate custom scripts for backup jobs. With event-driven architectures, troubleshooting is key to understanding failures at the component levels in order to resolve issues that arise and keep the entire automated workflow running smoothly. In the first post in this two-part blog series, we […]