AWS Storage Blog

Category: AWS Transfer Family

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Configuring your FTPS server behind a firewall or NAT with AWS Transfer Family

AWS customers sometimes host AWS Transfer Family endpoints in network address translation (NAT) architectures. One common reason to host the AWS Transfer endpoint behind a NAT is to protect the server with a firewall offered by an AWS Marketplace partner. With the SFTP protocols, there are generally no major issues with using NAT architectures and […]

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Using Okta as an identity provider with AWS Transfer Family and Amazon EFS

Earlier this year, AWS Transfer Family launched support for Amazon EFS. With this update, you can grant your end users access to files stored in Amazon EFS file systems using any of the protocols supported by Transfer Family. However, if you use Okta as the identity provider, there are additional considerations during setup. For example, […]

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Moving external site data to AWS for file transfers with AWS Transfer Family

Managing a strong, cohesive relationship with third-party vendors and outside partners involves transferring data back-and-forth to facilitate projects and workloads. Transferring data between separate organizations can be challenging, with different infrastructures, policies, and protocols to reconcile. AWS Transfer Family offers fully managed support for transferring files over SFTP, FTPS, and FTP directly into and out […]

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Update your AWS Transfer Family server endpoint type from VPC_ENDPOINT to VPC

In January 2020, AWS Transfer Family launched the VPC endpoint type, which gave customers the ability to host their Transfer Family server endpoints within their VPC using a single API call. If you were using Transfer Family with AWS PrivateLink before this launch, you are probably using the VPC_ENDPOINT endpoint type. After May 19, 2021, […]

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Securing AWS Transfer Family with AWS Web Application Firewall and Amazon API Gateway

AWS Transfer Family is a fully managed, serverless file transfer service for Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS. The service provides you with the flexibility to authenticate your file transfer client users using credentials stored in an identity provider (IdP) of your choice. You can achieve this by integrating an Amazon API Gateway endpoint backed by an AWS Lambda function that […]

Customer innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic

To call 2020 a challenging year would be a considerable understatement. The prolonged period of the pandemic has made a significant impact on our daily lives, creating a “new normal.” What used to be normal, connecting face-to-face to conduct business and socialize with friends and family, has turned even more digital. This was inevitable and […]

Data migration, edge, and hybrid sessions social image reinvent 2020

AWS re:Invent 2020-2021: data transfer, hybrid cloud, and edge computing sessions

The biggest cloud computing event of the year has begun! As you’re most likely aware of by now, re:Invent 2020-2021 is a FREE, 3-week virtual conference taking place from Nov 30 – Dec 18 and Jan 12 – 14. We wanted to make sure we ended 2020 offering you a ton of educational AWS content […]

Increasing agility and reducing costs with AWS Storage during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic upended the way of life for countries, organizations, communities, families, and the people that drive the global economy. Most of the world has shifted to remote work and school, and a different way of life with essential workers on the forefront. We see industries dealing with the challenges of slowed growth as […]

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How Discover Financial secures file transfers with AWS Transfer Family

Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS) is a digital banking and payment services company with one of the most recognizable brands in US financial services. Since its inception in 1986, Discover has become one of the largest card issuers in the United States. We are proud members of the platform team at Discover, where we are […]

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OpenGamma improves security and reduces overhead using AWS Transfer Family

OpenGamma provides hosted analytics services to derivative-trading firms in the financial services industry. These firms often face the challenge of adapting to new regulatory standards. Since 2008, new regulation has aimed to improve global financial stability by increasing the requirements on firms to post margin in order to protect against default and systemic failure. As […]