AWS Storage Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Persistent storage for Kubernetes 

Stateful applications rely on data being persisted and retrieved to run properly. When running stateful applications using Kubernetes, state needs to be persisted regardless of container, pod, or node crashes or terminations. This requires persistent storage, that is, storage that lives beyond the lifetime of the container, pod, or node. In this blog, we cover […]

Restoring archived objects at scale from the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

Every organization around the world has archival data. There is a data archiving need not only for companies that have been around for a while, but also for digital native businesses. Workloads such as medical records, news media content, and manufacturing datasets, often store petabytes – or billions of objects indefinitely. The vast majority of […]

File storage access patterns insights using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

When using Windows file services, enterprise customers often have the requirement to identify potential security breaches and unauthorized access attempts. Traditionally, customers rely on Windows file server file access auditing to capture and analyze audit records to gain these insights and strengthen their security posture. Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed shared […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Using available Amazon EFS security features while migrating files with AWS DataSync

When performing an online data migration, an important requirement is often security in transit. When evaluating migration options, you should consider if the tools available can provide encryption of data in flight, to help prevent unauthorized users from reading your data. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) provides the ability to encrypt data in transit by […]

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Using presigned URLs to identify per-requester usage of Amazon S3

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offerings have a pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging customers only for the resources consumed. However, a pay-as-you-go pricing is only viable when you can accurately track each customer’s use of resources, such as compute capacity, storage, and networking bandwidth. Without this data, SaaS providers do not have visibility into resource consumption of […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Enable session limits for AWS Transfer Family

Enterprises and organizations proficient in file transfers exchange a wide variety of files, such as digital media contents, images, or large data sets with their business partners or public users. When a large shared dataset is being downloaded by end users, a file transfer server often has a limit on concurrent connection per user to […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Customize file delivery notifications using AWS Transfer Family managed workflows

Enterprises and organizations that transfer files, both internally and with external parties, can benefit from having file-processing protocols that facilitate efficient and transparent file-transfer management. When transferring files, especially at scale, it is important to have visibility into the status of file transfer, and for you to able to process files as you receive them. […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Managing AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery launch templates at scale

It’s important to have a disaster recovery (DR) plan in place that helps operations continue in the event of a natural, physical, or technology-based disaster. To increase the chances of success in the case of an outage event, recovery should be repeatable, scalable, and tested often. Without the proper tools in place, setting up such […]

Automatically archive Amazon EBS Snapshots with Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager

Customers use snapshots to capture a point-in-time copy of their data, which can be used to enable disaster recovery, migrate data across regions and accounts, and improve backup compliance. For enterprises using snapshots, it is a common requirement to keep snapshots (which are seldom accessed) for more than 90 days, for compliance purposes. However, the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Use AWS Backup and CI/CD tools to automate centralized backup across AWS services 

Automating and scaling your data protection and backup strategy helps you reduce manual overhead from time-consuming configuration, minimizes the risk for errors, provides visibility on drift detection, and enhances backup policy compliance across distributed AWS workloads or accounts. Incorporating backup in your disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity plan (BCP), along with the automation of […]