AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Cloud Storage

Amazon S3

Automating Amazon S3 on Outposts resources with AWS CloudFormation

We recently announced support for AWS CloudFormation templates to create and manage Amazon S3 on Outposts resources, like buckets, endpoints, and access points. Until recently, customers were limited to creation of such resources individually using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs. Now, by leveraging AWS CloudFormation, you can automate creation of Amazon S3 […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Create and share encrypted backups across accounts and Regions using AWS Backup

Enterprises and organizations in more security-conscious industries often protect their data through encryption, restricting data access to those with the necessary permissions and improving their security posture. Creating backups of data resources is often another critical component of a secure and resilient architecture. Additionally, backing up encrypted data is also important, even across geographical regions […]

Amazon S3

Explore how data lakes drive decisions with Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec and Tomer Shiran

“Fundamentally, every business today is a data business.” – Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec In today’s interconnected and digital world, businesses must make decisions quickly, and they must be right. To stay competitive, companies have to leverage data lakes as the foundation for agile business decision making, analytics, and even AI/ML decisions. At the core of this […]

Online Tech Talk May 18: Optimizing On-Premises File-Based Workloads with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and AWS Storage Gateway

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on May 18, where an AWS expert covers optimizing on-premises file-based workloads with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and AWS Storage Gateway. This Tech Talk is at 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PT (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET). For organizations exploring data migration and file […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

AWS Backup is now FedRAMP High approved for your compliance and data protection needs

Meeting compliance is an important consideration when moving data to the cloud, and data protection is a key requirement when gaining approval for regulated workloads. On March 29, 2021 AWS Backup was granted the FedRAMP High Authority to Operate (ATO) by the JAB (Joint Authorization Board) in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. AWS Backup enables you […]

Migrate your Amazon EBS volumes from gp2 to gp3 and save up to 20% on costs

Update (4/27/2022): Download the EBS gp2 to gp3 migration cost savings calculator to find out how much you can save by migrating your EBS gp2 volumes to gp3. General Purpose SSD (gp2) Amazon EBS volumes have provided a cost effective way for AWS customers to achieve SSD performance for variety of applications, such as virtual […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

ZS Associates enhances backup efficiency with AWS Backup

ZS Associates is a professional services firm that works alongside companies to help develop and deliver products that drive customer value and company results. We at ZS leverage our deep industry expertise, alongside leading-edge analytics, technology, and strategy to create solutions that work in the real world. With more than 35 years of experience and […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Update your AWS Transfer Family server endpoint type from VPC_ENDPOINT to VPC

In January 2020, AWS Transfer Family launched the VPC endpoint type, which gave customers the ability to host their Transfer Family server endpoints within their VPC using a single API call. If you were using Transfer Family with AWS PrivateLink before this launch, you are probably using the VPC_ENDPOINT endpoint type. After May 19, 2021, […]

Amazon S3

Simplify your data lifecycle by using object tags with Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Managing your storage cost effectively at scale can become complex as you have multiple applications or users using the data with different access patterns and frequency. S3 Lifecycle can help you optimize your storage cost by creating lifecycle configurations to manage your storage spend over time by moving your data to more cost-effective storage classes […]

Optimizing cost for your high availability SQL Server deployments on AWS

Many customers run SQL Server workloads on AWS because AWS offers higher performance and reliability, greater security and identity services, more migration support, and flexible licensing options. Customers often select the license included deployment scenario for running SQL Server on AWS to avoid long-term licensing contracts with Microsoft and preserve licensing flexibility for potential future […]